VENDOR BREAKFAST May 1, Christine Gerlach, Director Purchasing Maria Ontiveros, Director Accounting John Birkelbach, District Legal Sloan Harris, Principal VLK, Architects
Responsibility of Purchasing: 2 To obtain: equipment, material, supplies and/or services at the right: –Quality –Quantity –Price –Source –Time
Purchasing Process Solicitation is advertised, twice in El Paso Times. Pre-Solicitation meeting (if applicable). All vendor questions with answers are provided to vendors at the same time. Vendor provides a proposal. Evaluation committee reviews and provides recommendation. Administration or Board award. All awarded information is posted on website 3
Submit Bids Electronically Purchasing has launched a new electronic purchasing system: “E-Bid”. Vendors must register in the new E-Bid system to be notified of Current Business Opportunities. Please check the commodity code(s) that is applicable to your company 7
Vendor Notification, for both: Competitive Solicitation Calendar Business Opportunities, and NON - Competitive Solicitation Calendar Business Opportunities. –Vendor responsible for contact information accuracy in E-Bid system. –Advertise twice in El Paso Times. –Bid posted on E-Bid site once available for bidding. 10
Vendor Notification For Competitive Solicitation Calendar Business Opportunities. Both E-Bid vendors and the 2006 – 2014 vendor notification system will be notified of upcoming open solicitations, one (1) month in advance. For the 2006 – 2014 vendor notification system, this notification will stop February
Vendor Notification NON - Competitive Solicitation Calendar Business Opportunities Vendors must check commodities in new E-Bid system to receive notifications. –Via only 12
Vendor Self Service (VSS) New Awarded Vendors will need to register, please include remit address. Current awarded vendors can update company information. Vendor will need internet access or visit Purchasing Department at Sims Dr. in El Paso to utilize a computer. 14
Mandatory Forms, by law (5) W9, Request for tax payer identification number and certification. Conflict of Interest & Felony Conviction Notification Criminal History Record, is required if: Vendors that do business with the District have a possibility of frequent contact with students, and the vendor is unescorted by District employees, while on District property. Debarment / Suspension Certification 17
Vendor Proposals/Evaluation Vendor provides proposals. An evaluation committee is selected to recommend a “responsible offeror whose proposal is determined to be the best value to the District”. 18
Evaluation Committee Members Are selected: relevance of their education/experience to the subject matter of the solicitation, possibility of any conflicts of interest with respect to the individual’s relationship to potential vendor(s), and their ability to maintain total impartiality throughout the selection process. 19
Proposal Evaluation Taking into consideration the evaluation factors set forth in the solicitation the evaluation committee makes a recommendation of award or no award. Evaluations are processed utilizing criteria per either Education Code , Government Code 2254, or Government Code
Awarded Contracts If Board awarded, will be posted seven (7) consecutive days after award. If Administrative awarded, will be posted twenty one (21) days after the “Closing” Goal, to provide information with easier access to the vendor. 21
23 Awarded Contracts
Accounting Department Contact Information Phone: Fax:
Invoice Requirements Vendors must have an approved Purchase Order before providing any goods or services to the District. The Purchase Order number must be referenced on each invoice. The invoice must include the vendor name and complete physical and/or remit address The invoice must match the Purchase Order. 25
Invoice Requirements, Cont’d The invoice must be itemized. We prefer the invoice not be hand written, however if it is, please make sure the invoice is legible and calculated accurately. It is the responsibility of the vendor to make sure all invoices are sent to the Accounts Payable Department. An invoice is required in order for any payment to be processed. 26
Billing of Goods and Svcs All invoices need to be mailed to: Ysleta ISD Attn: Accounts Payable Department 9600 Sims Drive El Paso, Texas –Faxed to: (915) – to: An invoice is required in order for any payment to be processed. 27
Payment Information Vendor checks are processed once a week. Check runs are scheduled on Wednesdays and ALL checks are mailed on Thursdays, with the exception of District closures. 29
Reasons for Payment Delays Vendor name on Invoice does not match name on Purchase Order. The invoice exceeds the approved amount on the PO- and change orders must go thru approval process. Accounts Payable did not get an invoice. Sign off is done by the project manager to ensure percent completion was verified. 30