Implementation of ILLiad with multiple pickup sites… By Kristine J. Shrauger University of Central Florida
The following will be covered: Introduction to UCF and the ILL/DDS Dept. The interest in a change of system Implementation of ILLiad Steps taken to
University of Central Florida, Orlando Florida Fairly new institution, established in 1963 Fall 2005 enrollment, 44,953 students (28,630 fte) 13 different regional campuses in 11 counties across central Florida / share campuses with community colleges 2 branch libraries: 1 on campus, - 45 minutes away At the Regional Campuses, UCF has 5 librarians and 1 paraprofessionals. At the Branch Campuses, UCF has 3 librarians and 7 paraprofessionals. 1 regional campus does not have a library; Digital Media Dept. just moved downtown Large contingency of distance learners
University of Central Florida
Reason for migration to ILLiad New Dept. Head had already implemented ILLiad once at a previous university 2 staff vacancies – first time in 9 years Clio was being used as a software tool, but instability of the system led to maintaining a paper trail of each request Needed to let go of the paper Instead of being reactive to the customer’s needs, we needed to become proactive to our customers.
Necessary End Results of the Implementation of ILLiad 1 main ILL/DDS department for the entire University. Quick and easy way to designate which campus the student was associated with. Providing messages telling them that the item(s) were leaving main campus and headed to the location of their choice. Work with the staff of the various community colleges ILL/Circulation staff to receive the items at the regional campuses. Create a document delivery service for Faculty. Create a document delivery service for students with disabilities. Send all articles via electronic document delivery (no more paper copies). Increase the number of requests coming from our distance learners and regional campus customers. NeedDesire
The changes that we made to make ILLiad work for us: Changed the various web forms to reflect our needs Created Routing Rules to filter the distance learners, faculty, and students with disabilities (document delivery service) Created templates to match the “site” or location Created messages to send to various branches for materials housed at the branch campus and needed on the main campus Adjusted the print templates to fit the needs of the department Adjusted staffing needs to accommodate the changes that ILLiad created
Web pages Planning and looking at the big picture
How we wanted the Requests to Flow into ILLiad Awaiting Request Processing Status = Faculty / Admin Awaiting Faculty Request Processing Site (NVTGC) = COCO, PALM, DAYT, MELB, ROSE, etc. Awaiting Regional Request Processing Site (NVTGC) = Dist Awaiting Distance Request Processing Site (NVTGC) = ILL and Status = all others Awaiting Request Processing Site (NVTGD) = LEES, OSCE, DOWN, TITU Awaiting Distance Request Processing
Request sorting Requests are automatically sorted into categories depending upon status and/location. Those with regional / branch campus / distance learners / disability services receive both ILL and DDS. Locations in which we did not have reciprocal agreements for circulation of ILL materials were treated as distance learners.
Unique info to be obtained/created in the New User Registration Page New User Registration Page LocationStatus University ID Library Card Number Department
The ILLiad Customer edit page
Required PID # for Logon/UserName. This university id correlates with class registration, financial aid, etc. ILL/DDS needed to capture info in order to block overdue patrons at circ and charge for lost/overdue fines. ID Number = 14-digit barcode number – reason -- needed to check doc del items out to the patron. This required students to have a library card before they submitted a request … many of our distance learners do not have library cards prior to submitting requests. New User Registration Page ORIGINAL UCF VERSION
. Status line: this line corresponds to the type of service that is provided – Faculty and Administrators receive both Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Service. Status – New User Registration Page ORIGINAL UCF VERSION
Site Location for Pick-Up – New User Registration Page Site (location) – another factor in deciding the type of service – customers at Regional and Branch campuses, distance learners receive both interlibrary loan and document delivery services ORIGINAL UCF VERSION
Editing in FrontPage: required some html coding … not a lot, just enough to make a few changes here and there. Editing the Web-page
Making changes in the customization manager The change to the customization manager reflects the additional sites (locations) on the web pages … one delivery location for each regional / branch / distance learner. Web Page – New User Registration Page Customization Manager
Routing Rules Create some simple rules to sort the requests into queues so the staff would know how to treat the requests.
Followed flow chart to create Routing Rules Awaiting Request Processing Status = Faculty / Admin Awaiting Faculty Request Processing Site (NVTGC) = COCO, PALM, DAYT, MELB, ROSE, etc. Awaiting Regional Request Processing Site (NVTGC) = Dist Awaiting Distance Request Processing Site (NVTGC) = ILL and Status = all others Awaiting Request Processing Site (NVTGD) = LEES, OSCE, DOWN, TITU Awaiting Distance Request Processing
Routing Rules 2 routing rules for each regional campus / branch campus / distance learner (one for Article and one for Loan)
Examples of Routing Rules
Queue – creating new queues for routing tables
After 9 months of working with the system, the staff asked if they could combine queues into 1 category instead of several (faculty, distance, regional). ILL/DDS edition of ILLiad
Templates Two different types/forms of s were developed Borrowing: One is behind the scenes and is part of the automated messages that are sent out Document Delivery / Lending Unit The other kind of message/template was creating messages to be sent to the branch campuses for UCF owned books
Behind the Scenes Customer Contact Screen
Customization Manager – Behind the scenes messages
messages – Staff driven
messages – to branch campuses
Routing – creating an message for the staff
Printing We kept some of the labels the same, others we changed quite a bit to fit the needs of the department. UCF has several different courier services State system (DLLI) University system (Blue Bag) US Mail Changes were made for the numerous branch/regional/distance learner students
Borrowing – Loan Labels ORIGINAL UCF VERSION
ORIGINAL Borrowing – Loan Slips
Document Delivery – Loan Labels ORIGINAL UCF VERSION
Document Delivery - Mailing Labels UCF VERSION ORIGINAL
Document Delivery Article Request ORIGINAL UCF VERSION
Staffing Results from the implementation changes
Shift of duties and ideas The department was evaluated and job duties were shifted. Document Delivery Services had been a blend of both Borrowing and Lending. Document Delivery Services became its own unit with one staff member and 1-2 student assistants being responsible for the document delivery requests within ILLiad. Shifted an LTA position to more of a secretarial position as we needed assistance with maintaining the general office and assisting all 3 units. Shifted the 3-5 students assistants from the borrowing unit to document delivery services and lending services. Physically rearranged the office to fit the changing needs and future directions of the department.
Results of implementation What a change to the environment of ILL/DDS
Good results Requests from the regional / branch and distance learners increased from 1,474 to 4,798. As of the last annual report, ILL/DDS has not seen a large increase in overall requests. Expect to see an increase in the next year’s annual report. Paper is gone. Turnaround time has increased for the regional / branch campus / distance learners – currently less than 1.5 day average.
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