LTD12, Paris Microstructured magnetic calorimeter with meander shaped pickup coil A. Burck S. Kempf, S. Schäfer, H. Rotzinger, M. Rodrigues, T. Wolf, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo, C. Enss Kirchhoff-Institute for physics University Heidelberg
LTD12, Paris weak thermal link Metallic magnetic calorimeter sensor: Au:Er (~ ppm) x-ray dc-SQUID magnetometer Wärmebad paramagnetic sensor absorber B thermal bath
LTD12, Paris cylindrical sensor circular SQUID-loop external magnetic field planar sensor meander shaped pickup loop with transformer coupling Sensor readout schemes
LTD12, Paris Why meander shaped pickup coils ? natural 2d geometry with high filling factor no external field coil needed bias field is multipole field of high order: magnetic detektor response has multipole character reduced magn. cross talk between pixel reduced pickup of magnetic Johnson noise field decays exponentially with distance allows for superconducting absorbers
LTD12, Paris Characterisation: Prototype-detector setup: large area detector, A sensor = 1mm1mm sputter deposited sensor, Au:Er 750 ppm, natural isotope mixture ( 22.9 % 167 Er) C sens 0.4 nJ/K expected ΔE FWHM ~ 25eV no absorber 3.5 mm
LTD12, Paris Magnetization magnetization of the sputter deposited Au:Er shows bulk-properties for temperatures in the range between 2 K-300 K promising result
LTD12, Paris Magnetization theory Au:Er-sensor can reliably be microstructured magnetization of the sputter deposited Au:Er shows bulk-properties for temperatures down to 45 mK deviation below 45 mK is most likely caused by a general thermal decoupling of the detector from the heat bath bath Au:Er, 750 ppm
LTD12, Paris Fluorescence spectrum of 55 Mn Baseline events (50 minutes) rate: ~ 15 events/s T = 30 mK, I F = 55 mA Averaged K α -pulse I F = 40 mA T = 39 mK time K α -line E FWHM =162 eV E FWHM =106 eV
LTD12, Paris Signal size and Heat capacity measured signalsize is 30% - 50% smaller than the expected behaviour measured heat capacity is a factor of 1.3 – 2 larger than the expected behaviour additional heat capacity and/or loss of phonons
LTD12, Paris Summary & Outlook meander: promising geometry reduced cross talk reduced magn. Johnson noise no external field coil needed better SNR results: magnetisation of the sputter deposited Au:Er shows bulk properties down to 45 mK sensor can reliably be microstructured microstructured detektor shows promising results future:continue with microstructering... arrays + multiplexing theory Au:Er, 750 ppm