Driver is Captain of her bus, so the monitor is an extension of the driver
Understand the responsibilities of each position and discuss how you would like to best handle situations that may arise.
Don’t let problems are feeling stew…. “communicate”
Don’t cover up for each other…. You are an individual you must be accountable for your decisions.
Don’t “ assume” the other hears what you say to the students, once you have dropped all your students, use that time to talk about incidents that take place.
Don’t discuss student behaviors in front of other students, even if you are talking to your DS, TL, teachers, etc… step off the bus to discuss private issues concerning students.
Don’t make reference to bodily smells, cleanliness, irritating behaviors.. to the student or in front of the students.
Monitors (and drivers of course) must not be using there phone for any purpose other than departmental use, any time students are loading, unloading or on the school bus. Phones may be used when no students are present and all other duties are completed
C OMMUNICATING R OUTE C HANGES : What should you communicate concerning route changes? Each driver is given a copy of your route directions, driving directions (must stay updated) Corrections can be made on your route copy and turned in; in your folders or ed to me. Pickup times Order in which you pickup/drop off students Changes in students riding schedule Days they get off at different locations When a restraint changes (example; no longer seats in SS, riding in WC for period of time) This must be communicated each time one of the above changes
Pickup times/drop off times
Each driver is given a copy of your route directions, driving directions (must stay updated) Corrections can be made on your route copy and turned in; in your folders or ed to me.