WHY FOOD SCRAPS IN GARBAGE ARE A PROBLEM ? More than 40% of garbage is food scraps Tipping fee for garbage $109/MT Tipping fee for food scraps $44/MT When food and other organic materials end up in the garbage they: – Create methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that adds to global warming. In the landfill, buried under layers of waste and without access to oxygen, food can't decompose properly. – Use up a lot of precious landfill space. Space is limited, and creating more landfills is undesirable. – Make “waste-to-energy” processes less efficient because of their high moisture content. About a third of the region's waste is disposed in the “waste-to-energy” facility.
METRO VANCOUVER 2.3 Million People in the Greater Vancouver Region Metro Vancouver is responsible for long term planning and disposing of the waste generated by residents and businesses in the region – 70% diversion target by 2015 – 80% diversion target by 2020 January 2015 Organics Ban (Food Scraps) – Applies to single family, multi-family, commercial and institutional properties – Starting July 2015 waste loads with more than 25% visible food will be surcharged an additional 50% of the cost of disposal. (eg a $100 load will be charged $150) – In 2014 the City paid $400,000 in tipping fees January 2016 and beyond – The amount of food scraps allowed in the garbage will be lowered, likely to 10% and then 5% as with other disposal bans
MULTI-FAMILY DIVERSION RATES In 2012 Metro Vancouver performed a waste audit for multi-family – 70.5% of solid waste can be easily diverted 46.8% compostable organics 13.2% plastics 10.5% paper products In 2014 The City of White Rock performed a waste audit of garbage for multi-family – only 10% was actual garbage – 85% of solid waste can be easily diverted 34% compostable organics 16% textiles/clothing 14% paper products 14% plastic, metal & glass 12% banned materials (electronics, cell phones, speakers)
MULTI-FAMILY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Recyclable materials from a multi-family garbage bin from a waste audit
CURRENT SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES Commercial, schools, churches & City facilities – Weekly garbage collection; each property is serviced based on their individual needs – A variety of the garbage containers sizes and quantities – Weekly recycling collection – On call yard waste collection but no regular organic collection Single Family – 2 bags of garbage every other week, extra bags are $5 – Weekly recycling and organics collection Multi-Family – A variety of the number and size of garbage containers (rollouts, bins) – Garbage and recycling is collected weekly – On call yard waste collection but no regular organic collection
OPERATIONS Multi-Family Garbage Collection – The City has one truck that collects commercial and multi-family garbage – The truck operates 4 days a week and is serviced 1 day – When the truck is full it drives to the Surrey Transfer Station to unload – The truck is due for replacement at a cost of $360,000 Multi-Family Recycling – The City has 2 recycling trucks, one day a week is dedicated to multi-family recycling – When the truck is full it drives to the recycling depot to unload Multi-Family Yard Waste – Is picked up in small vehicles and is dumped in a bin at the Operations Yard – Once the bin is full, it is picked up by a contractor – Odour, noise and vermin complaints at the Operations Yard
HOW IS SOLID WASTE CURRENTLY FUNDED? Currently, solid waste is funded through the general tax levy Lumped in with roads, street lights, fire & police services, etc. Is based on the property class and value of the property Not based on the level of service or volume of solid waste collected Approximately 9% of the general tax levy was attributed to solid waste services in 2014 – $100 per year for average multi-family property $318,646 in 2014 Everyone pays the same amount per $1,000 of assessed value no matter: – How many bins they have - volume – Number of pickups times a week
COUNCIL PRIORITY Actively work towards meeting Metro Vancouver’s solid waste diversion targets Finalize a plan for solid waste utility and associated user fee In 2014 The City of White Rock engaged a consultant to: – Review existing solid waste operations – Conduct waste audits – Review best practices of other jurisdictions – Identify opportunities for improvement – Evaluate the option of a solid waste utility/user fee
CONCLUSIONS FROM CONSULTANT’S REPORT The report titled, “Review of Solid Waste Operations and Development of a Solid Waste Utility”, was presented to Council on December 15, 2014 Consultant identified: – White Rock is one of the only municipalities to service the commercial sector – The majority of municipalities privatize multi-family garbage collection – The majority of municipalities privatize or contract out organic collection – 29 action items were recommended including: Implement mandatory organics collection at multi family dwellings Develop solid waste utility rate model
SOLID WASTE UTILITY Cost recovery is based on funding solid waste services similar to that used for water, natural gas & hydro White Rock already has a drainage utility that works on a similar principle The cost of providing solid waste services is removed from the general tax levy A user fee is established – based on number of bags, containers and pickup’s per week – solid waste is difficult to measure for all property classes Benefits – Increases customer awareness of the cost of providing the service – Provides a method of measurement that is understood by the customer, usually bag limits – Encourages recycling
COMPARISON OF MUNICIPALITIES SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Staff contacted 16 municipalities in the lower mainland Garbage Collection for multi-family – 6 municipalities have fully privatize garbage collection – 7 municipalities have mainly private Collection is private for locations; however some locations are serviced by City Staff – 3 municipalities use city staff only Organic Collection for multi-family – 5 municipalities have fully privatize organic collection – 4 municipalities have contracted out the service – 6 municipalities have mainly private Collection is private for locations; however some locations are serviced by City Staff – 1 municipality use city staff only
FUTURE OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Creation of a solid waste utility/user fee – Removing the cost from your general municipal taxes (9%) for commercial, multi-family and residential properties Privatizing commercial solid waste Privatizing multi- family solid waste collection for complexes with 7 or more units – If you require the front end loader you will need to contract with a waste provider
PRIVATIZING MULTI-FAMILY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION The complex can customize the level of service to their individual needs – Quantity of bins & pickup frequency - modify pickup during the Winter/Summer – No more calls to for yard waste pick up – May provide a bin, compostable liners for organics and kitchen catchers – May provide free education and training materials Places the responsibility of solid waste disposal with the complex – Makes the complex financially responsible to recycle – If there is low participation in recycling the complex will pay a higher fee – The tipping fee for organics is less than garbage – Encourages recycling Cost of the service – Some complexes will see a savings by using a contractor and some will have to pay more as the previous system was based on assessed value and class of the property – No correlation to the level of service or quantity
PRIVATIZING MULTI FAMILY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Potential for more vehicles on the road – Contractors will have to comply with the City’s Bylaws for operating times Strata council has to negotiate a contract with a waste hauler The City does not have to hire additional staff or purchase new vehicles – $360,000 for overhead truck for garbage – $360,000 for organic collection vehicle Reduction in fines from Metro Vancouver – 6X as many fines in 2014 for multi-family/commercial than residential – The multi-family complex will have to pay the fines
NEXT STEPS Continue to educate multi-family complexes Discuss your individual needs with a variety of waste haulers The BIA has invited a few waste haulers Multi-Material BC (MMBC) is a non-profit organization financed by industry to manage residential packaging and printed paper recycling programs in BC. Representatives from MMBC will be available to discuss how multi-family buildings in White Rock can access MMBC’s financial incentives to offset the cost of recycling services. A service provider is required to be in place for July 1, 2015 Staff are available to answer specific questions