Jasper S. Halekas Space Sciences Laboratory


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Presentation transcript:

Lunar precursor effects in the Terrestrial magnetosphere and solar wind Jasper S. Halekas Space Sciences Laboratory University of California, Berkeley

The Lunar Space Plasma Environment: Pre-ARTEMIS

Precursor Effects in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere All Electrons Upgoing e- (0-15°) Downgoing e- (165-180°) fp fce Spin Tone EFI Background EFI FFT fp SCM FFT fce B Wavelets fci B Field

Free Energy Sources: Reflected Electrons in Magnetosphere Converging Magnetic Field Lines above Crustal Magnetic Fields Loss Cone Beam Plasma Electrons Follow Magnetic Field Lines and Reflect from E & B Beam + Loss Cone: Produced By Combined Magnetic & Electrostatic Effects Near Surface Secondary Electrons Accelerated Upward Downward Electric Field E = - U Δ

Polarization Properties Waves propagating anti-parallel to field EXB E B B0 Narrowband Coherent Right-Handed Parallel-Propagating Wave properties all consistent with parallel-propagating whistlers coming down the magnetic field line towards the Moon

Instability Conditions Streaming instabilities where df/dv|| positive EFI SCW Whistlers correlate with edges of loss cone: i.e. df/dvperp positive Reduced Distribution Function Whistler Mode: ω/k, (ωce-ω)/k

Ions in the Mix? Waves near fci modulate both the electron beam and the whistlers Possible sources: Electron beam, shadowed ion distributions, bi-ion streaming ICWs? Electron Beam Modulated Loss Cone Modulated Whistlers Modulated FGM Wavelets Proton & Helium Cyclotron Frequencies

Precursor Effects in the Solar Wind Ions Upgoing e- (0-15°) Downgoing e- (165-180°) EFI FFT SCM FFT B Wavelets B Field SZA of Surface Connection

Free Energy Sources: Reflected Electrons in Solar Wind Trajectory Fitzenreiter et al., 1990 Magnetic Field Convection Electric Field Generalized obstacle with magnetic field gradient and/or electrostatic potential gradient Adiabatic Reflection in dHT Frame Gives you “Ears” in Solar Wind Frame

Whistler Cyclotron Resonance Conditions EFI SCW Reduced Distribution Function (ωce-ω)/k : ω, k on whistler branch

Ion Observations P2 Ions P1 Ions P1 Reduced Dist. Funct. Foreshock Ions P1 Ions Reflected Protons P1 Reduced Dist. Funct. P1 Power Spectrum Parallel-Propagating P1 Propagation RH, LH P1 Ellipticity

Free Energy Sources: Reflection From Crustal Magnetic Fields Reflected Protons Follow Pickup Ion Trajectories Solar Wind Gyrating Protons Distribution Near Cycloid “Cusp” IMF SW Reflected Proton Fluxes Lue et al., 2010

Pickup Ion Trajectories Reconstructed Ion Trajectories Connected Unconnected Surface Crustal Magnetic Field

Ion Reflection Source Map 26 Event Periods, June 29 – August 31

Lunar Precursor Effects