Garbage Pickup and Recycling Part 1
My Project Around my workplace there are large amounts of garbage and I chose this as the perfect place to address these issues of my workplace. I work at a liquor store on the North Side of Milwaukee that is known as Steve’s Liquor. Part of the issue is that the Liquor is one of the busiest liquor stores on the North side mainly because of its location off Appleton Ave. Like I said the store normally gets very busy and as a result many Items are sold. (Alcohol, chips, juice, and etc.) The issue is that many of these things are consumed but are left behind on the premises. Our boss and our fellow employees can’t address these issues during our busy hours because we are short staffed, but instead we end up dealing with the garbage early the next morning which takes about half an hour to clean and sometimes a big hassle. We even go to the extent of taking turns as to who’s day it is to clean up.
What I am Doing To address these problems I am proposing to my boss that we should actually make efforts to reduce these problems so that it can make it easier on our job and even his business. I will suggest that we purchase garbage cans preferably ones that are diverse enough for garbage’s plastic metal and etc. and put them in areas strategic enough so that we can collect the most and dispose of it properly. I also propose to make signs post them over and on the cans so people understand what is what.
Location The area I am working on is also my job… It is located on the North side of Milwaukee Steve's Liquor 6213 w. Appleton Ave.
Before When I started this project there was lots more trash right now I have signs and cans around the store and there would be three times as much trash around. But this is a picture of how it would look before I would clean.
After Trash containment is a lot easier on us now but there are still a few problems we encounter.
Signs Trash Sign Recycle Sign
Where I placed the signs I placed the signs on a few trees around the store. When I place the signs on the tree they’ve been pulled off fairly fast. I also placed the signs on the sides if the trash cans. I avoided to place signs on the front because when I did that They tended to wear off or rip off easy. While being placed on the side the seemed to last a lot longer.
Trash cans Trash Recycle
Large Dumpsters Trash Cardboard Only
The Dumpsters Us employees tend to use these large dumpsters. After we pick up the trash we sort it and place it in the rightful dumpster. Continue with Part 2 of the Presentation