Bar Code Assisted Receiving and Put-Away An Enhancement For iSeries 400 DMAS from Copyright I/O International, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 Skip Intro
Bar Code Assisted Receiving An I/O enhancement for DMAS Purchasing receiving Perform P/O receiving with a hand held RF bar code scanning device Receivers only operate hand held devices No need to operate computer workstation Receivers do not need knowledge of DMAS Work with Purchase Orders function Maximize the efficiency of the receiving process
Bar Code Assisted Receiving An I/O enhancement . . . Simply scan bar code on item being received If bar coded, shipment number and P/O number may also be scanned With hand held RF device, receiver’s free to move and scan merchandise in most efficient manner Requirement for receivers to have computer or DMAS skills is nearly eliminated
Bar Code Assisted Receiving An I/O enhancement . . . Multiple bar codes may be defined for single inventoried item Each bar code may represent a unique receiving unit of measure / quantity A bar code scanned is automatically translated to proper quantity of stocking or alternate unit of measure
Bar Code Assisted Receiving An I/O enhancement . . . A new I/O Item Cross Reference file is used to support bar code assisted receiving Bar codes that are DMAS item numbers or vendor item numbers are looked up directly in the DMAS master files
Bar Code Assisted Receiving An I/O enhancement . . . In the I/O cross reference file, a record can define A foreign item number to a DMAS item number, single quantity, stocking U/M A foreign item number to a DMAS item number, single quantity, alternate U/M A foreign item number to a DMAS item number, specified quantity, stocking U/M A foreign item number to a DMAS item number, specified quantity, alternate U/M A DMAS item number to a customer’s item number
Bar Code Assisted Receiving An I/O enhancement . . . This allows a single scan to receive a whole pallet if Pallet (shipping container, whatever) is externally labeled with bar code Bar code for pallet is pre-defined in cross reference file to DMAS item number, U/M, and specified quantity Very useful when full pallets or shipping containers are received with consistent quantities
Bar Code Assisted Receiving The Receiving Process To start receiving a new shipment, on the RF device Made sure warehouse code is correct (if not, enter it) Scan or key unique shipment id for shipment to be received Key name of carrier (optional) Key bill of lading number (optional) Scan or key P/O number Verify company number, change it if needed Key receiving log number (optional) Key shipment and/or P/O comments (optional)
Bar Code Assisted Receiving The Receiving Process . . . Now scan items being received Scan bar code (or key item number) Key quantity if quantity of 1 is not correct Key item comment (optional) Unidentified items Items with no bar code or bar code that can not be scanned Will be accepted if item comment is keyed Must be resolved later
Bar Code Assisted Receiving The Receiving Process . . . Items with no P/O number Can be accepted as unexpected items Must be assigned to a P/O later Can be received with no identification to a P/O Are placed into inventory control batch for posting Unexpected items Items received against a P/O but were not ordered Will be accepted Will be posted against P/O as DMAS unexpected items
Bar Code Assisted Receiving The Receiving Process . . . Items not ordered under a P/O Received into separate shipment Automatically transferred to inventory control batch Posted to inventory via inventory control posting job Resolve unidentified items Performed by someone familiar with items and vendors Done as first step in preparing receipts for posting After entire shipment has been scanned / recorded Makes sure every item received is identified to a DMAS item number
Bar Code Assisted Receiving The Receiving Process . . . Assign receipts to P/Os Performed by someone familiar with items, vendors and P/Os Done as second step in preparing receipts for posting After entire shipment has been scanned / recorded After all unidentified items have been resolved Makes sure every item received in a P/O shipment is identified against a purchase order
Bar Code Assisted Receiving The Receiving Process . . . Reconcile receipts against open P/Os Performed by the buyer (or someone with similar knowledge of P/Os) Done after All unidentified items are identified to DMAS items All receipts identified to open P/Os Performs similar function of assigning receipts to open P/Os as DMAS receiving function Transfer non-P/O items to inventory control for posting (*NOPO shipments)
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away The Put-Away Process There are 3 options available for RF stock put away Receive all items in shipment first, then perform put away Receive multiple items within shipment only until put away cart is full, then perform put away prior to receiving any more items Receive a single item container and perform put away prior to receiving next item in shipment Multiple receivers may be operating under different put away options simultaneously
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away Put-Away with Receive All All items in the shipment are received with RF before the put away process begins Items are placed into physical “receiving area” System receives items into virtual “receiving area” Bar codes are printed for items requiring them Items are then “picked up” from receiving area until physical put-away cart is full As each item is scanned for pick-up, system removes item from virtual receiving area and places it into virtual put-away cart Drop-off is then begun
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away Put-Away with Receive All . . . First item to drop off is identified Bin to receive item is identified and located Item being dropped off is scanned Quantity being dropped off is designated Bin to receive item is scanned System removes quantity of scanned item from virtual put-away cart and updates receiving bin Proceed with next item to drop off until put-away cart is empty Them return to receiving area to pick up another load
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away Put-Away with Receive Multiple As each item being received is scanned, item is placed into virtual receiving area AND virtual put-away cart When physical put-away cart is full, begin drop-off for cart contents Items are dropped off as previously described until cart is empty Then return to receiving to receive/pick up another load
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away Put-Away with Receive Single A single item is received by scanning number on container Container may likely be multiple stocking units of measure (such as a pallet) Item scanned is placed into virtual receiving area AND virtual put-away cart Drop-off for single item begins Item is dropped off as previously described (could require multiple drop-offs) until cart is empty Exception – Scanning of item at drop-off is not necessary since single item being put away is remembered from receiving scan Then return to receiving to receive/pick up next item
Bar Code Assisted Receiving Posting Receipts Post Receipts The last step Use standard DMAS Post Receipts by warehouse function For non-P/O shipments, post batch with inventory control posting job
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away RF Bin to Bin Move An RF tool for managing items and bins in the warehouse RF user may elect to do Single item moves (drop off each item before next item is picked up) Multiple item moves (pick up multiple items before any item is dropped off)
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away RF Bin to Bin Move Process On RF device, user identifies warehouse and option (single item or multiple items) User picks up item Scans item to be picked up Scans from bin Indicates quantity being picked up If option is multiple items, picks up next item
Bar Code Assisted Put-Away RF Bin to Bin Move Process . . . When finished picking up items (cart is full) Begins drop-off process Goes to receiving bin Scans item to be dropped off Scans bin to receive item Has capability to view all bins occupied by and/or assigned to a given item Continues drop-off until cart is empty Bar Code Assisted Receiving Summary
Bar Code Assisted Receiving Summary RF Functions Setting RF Options Simulated RF Receiving Simulated RF Put-Away Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move Other Receiving Activities Resolve Unidentified Items Assign Receipts to P/Os Unexpected Items Reconcile Receipts to Open P/Os Posting Receipts File Maintenance Item Cross Reference File Bar Code Tailoring Options (click button to view detail) Back to Title Page
Setting RF Options Several navigation aspects of the hand held RF device can be tailored Automatic field advance after the scanning of Shipment id Item number Set a default for warehouse code Whether or not to display the item description for verification after scanning the item number
Setting RF Options General RF Options may be set by using an RF hand held device or by using a workstation This is the first of four RF screens defining RF options You can define a default warehouse, control whether or not automatic field advancing should occur after scanning shipment id, item number and/or bin location, and choose whether of not you want to verify every item scanned. Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Setting RF Options Receiving RF Options are available on the second screen This is the second of four RF screens defining RF options You can define a default receiving area you are using You can select receive only or receive and direct put-away Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Setting RF Options Put-Away RF Options are available on the third screen This is the third of four RF screens defining RF options You can select a put away mode and an option for suggested bins You can select a put away list, sequence in put-away cart, and if you do cross docking Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Setting RF Options Picking RF Options are available on the fourth screen This is the fourth of four RF screens defining RF options You can elect to have all batches displayed or only those batches assigned to you Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left End of topic
Simulated RF Receiving The following screens simulate what the screens look like while using an RF hand held scanning device when used to receive inventory
Simulated RF Receiving The Begin Receiving screen is the first screen displayed when starting up RF entry The default warehouse (if set) and the selected receiving area are displayed Either scan or key a unique shipment id (up to 25 characters) Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left The receiver may enter a comment about the shipment Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Receiving The second screen is the Shipment Data screen Key the carrier name (optional) Key the bill of lading number (optional) Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left (more available but not shown here)
Simulated RF Receiving The third screen is the P/O Being Received screen Either key or scan the P/O number Key the company number Key the receiving log number (optional) The receiver may enter a comment about the purchase order Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left (more available but not shown here)
Simulated RF Receiving The next screen begins item entry Leave the default of 1 or key a quantity Either scan or key the item number of the item being received The receiver may enter a comment about the item Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left (more available but not shown here)
Simulated RF Receiving If item verification is turned “On”, the item description will then be displayed The DMAS item number, description, quantity and unit of measure are displayed for the previously scanned item Key the quantity being received if different from the default Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left (more available but not shown here) Continue to enter the next item by pressing the Enter key End of topic
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The following screens simulate what the screens look like when an RF hand held scanning device is used to perform bin to bin moves in the warehouse
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The Begin Bin to Bin Move screen is the first screen displayed when starting up RF bin to bin move The default warehouse (if set) is displayed Select single item or multiple item moves Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The user scans the item number of the item to be picked up The item being picked up The user may enter the number of packages to reduce the number of scans Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The user scans the bin from which the item is being picked up The bin from which the item is being removed Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The user indicates the quantity being removed from this bin The total quantity of the item in this bin is displayed The quantity being picked up Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The user scans the item number of the item to be dropped off The item being dropped off If the user is operating under the option of “single item”, this screen is bypassed Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The bin to which the item is being dropped off is scanned The quantity may be changed if the item is being dropped into more than one bin The bin to which this quantity is being dropped is scanned User can see a list of bins for this item by pressing F7 F7=Locations Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left (more available but not shown here) F7=Locations End of topic
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move The user may view all bins for a given item Scroll > The user may select a bin by keying a 1 adjacent to the desired bin in Typ The user displays the “bin” page by pressing Enter This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move Scrolling to page 2 < Scroll Scroll > Additional data is displayed for each bin The user displays the “bin” page by pressing Enter This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move Scrolling to page 3 < Scroll Scroll > Additional data is displayed for each bin The user displays the “bin” page by pressing Enter This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Bin to Bin Move Scrolling to page 4 < Scroll Additional data is displayed for each bin The user displays the “bin” page by pressing Enter This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Resolve Unidentified Items All unidentified items within a shipment should be identified to DMAS items before posting receipts This task need not be performed by the receiver To begin this task, you are asked for the shipment id All unidentified items within that shipment are then displayed
Resolve Unidentified Items The “Fix” option is used to begin resolving unidentified items Unidentified items are indicated with the *ITEM ship status Begin the process of resolving unidentified items with “F” option
Resolve Unidentified Items All unidentified items within the shipment are listed All unidentified items are given the item number of *UNKNOWN The “Lookup item” function is used to find the DMAS item number If you know the item number, you can use option 2 and key the item number on the detail screen To view only those items that have errors (as in this example) press function key F14.
Resolve Unidentified Items The Receiving Log Detail screen for the receiving record is then displayed The receipt log detail screen is displayed with an item search window displayed on top Using standard DMAS item searching methods, you can search for the item Comments entered by the receiver may be helpful when searching for items
Resolve Unidentified Items The results of the item search are then displayed From the search results list, select an item by keying the line number of the desired item.
Resolve Unidentified Items The item number of the item selected is then returned and inserted into the Receiving Log Detail screen You are then returned back to the Receiving Log Detail screen The item number of the selected item is inserted into the detail screen
Resolve Unidentified Items Upon returning to the list of unidentified items, the item just resolved now displays a DMAS item number The previously unidentified item is now identified The identified item will not display the next time this screen is displayed or refreshed. End of topic
Assign Receipts to P/Os All receipts within a shipment should be identified to an open DMAS purchase order before posting receipts This task need not be performed by the receiver To begin this task, you are asked for the shipment id All receipts not identified to a P/O within that shipment are then displayed
Assign Receipts to P/Os All receipts in a normal shipment should be assigned to a P/O All unassigned and unexpected receipts are displayed with a ship status of *ERR To adjust a receipt and assign it to a P/O, use the “A” option
Assign Receipts to P/Os All receipts not assigned to a P/O within the shipment are listed All unassigned and unexpected receipts are listed using the key word *N The “P/O Lookup” function is used to find the open DMAS purchase order If you know the P/O number, you can use option 2 and key the P/O number on the detail screen Unassigned receipts do not have a P/O number listed
Assign Receipts to P/Os When using P/O Lookup, all P/Os containing the subject item are listed The most current P/Os are listed at the top The desired P/O is selected by using an option of 1. The quantities ordered and open can be viewed for each P/O.
Assign Receipts to P/Os When returning, the selected P/O is now assigned to the previously unassigned item. The previously unassigned item is now assigned to the selected P/O The item is no longer in error and the item number is now displayed in the normal color This item will not display the next time this screen is displayed or refreshed. End of topic
Unexpected Items During the receiving process, the receiver can receive unexpected items against a P/O like in standard DMAS receiving The receiver receives a messages stating that the item is not in the reference P/O
Unexpected Items Unexpected items are listed on the Receiving Log P/O Identification screen together with items not assigned to a P/O The DMAS item number is displayed but in a different color The specified P/O number is also displayed If everything is correct, nothing needs to be done to post the receipt for this item End of topic
Reconcile P/Os Against Receipt Log Receipts within a shipment must either All be against an open DMAS purchase order Or none of the receipts identified against a purchase order This reconciling task need not be performed by the receiver This task is best performed by the buyer or someone with similar P/O knowledge This function is very similar to DMAS receiving function within Work with P/Os when receipts are assigned to purchase orders
Reconcile P/Os Against Receipt Log Shipments with receipts not assigned to P/Os are posted via the DMAS inventory control application NOTE: If shipments are to be received without any purchase order assignments, the I/O Inventory Control Transaction Entry enhancement is a pre-requisite.
Reconcile P/Os Against Receipt Log A list of shipment ids in process is displayed One line is displayed per P/O per shipment id The shipment / purchase order to be received is selected with an option R To edit the shipment and/or purchase order header data, use an option 2 Shipments with unidentified items or items not identified to a P/O display as *ERR 2=Change shipment Shipments with NO P/O assignments
Reconcile P/Os Against Receipt Log When using the R option, the entire contents of the P/O is displayed, showing the status of each line item This screen is very similar to the receiving screen in DMAS Work with Purchase Orders You can choose to show all items or only items with exceptions Use option W to work with receiving log detail. A message describing the exception status of each line item is displayed for the user. W=Work with log detail To accept the receipts and update the P/O with the receiving data, press F2. F2=Accept receipts End of topic
Change Shipment Data When using the 2 option, the Shipment Details screen allows the user to update shipment and/or P/O header information Only underscored fields are entry capable You can change the company, P/O number, P/O suffix, and log number End of topic
Working with Log Detail All log detail for a particular item is displayed when using the work with log detail option of W All log detail records for a single P/O and shipment are displayed A specific log detail record may be displayed and changed by using an option of 2 2=Change log If needed, the shipment number, company, P/O # and/or warehouse selections may be changed End of topic
Changing a Log Detail Record A specific log detail record may be maintained by using an option of 2 The product id and quantity that was scanned is displayed The quantity multiplier from the bar code cross reference file is displayed The resulting DMAS item number, quantity, and stocking or alternate unit of measure is displayed End of topic
Reviewing Receipts When the receipts are accepted via F2, the user is automatically placed into DMAS Work with Purchase Orders The header for the P/O receipt is displayed first Receiving header data from the hand held device is inserted for this receipt Changes may be made the same as if the receipts were keyed here.
Reviewing Receipts Pressing the Enter key then displays the receiving detail for this P/O All DMAS Work with Purchase Order functions and options are available The receipts now appear just as if they were keyed here. Changes may be made the same as if the receipts were keyed here.
Reviewing Receipts When ending the P/O, the End Order screen is displayed Again, all DMAS functions and options are available The receipts may be put on hold, left as pending, or posted immediately Changes may be made the same as if the receipts were keyed here.
Reviewing Receipts The user is then returned back to the Work with Receiving Shipments screen (S2102) The Ship Status is now updated to *RCVD The purchase order / receiving / approval status is updated to show the standard DMAS status The user may now proceed by receiving the next purchase order End of topic
To pass a non-P/O shipment to inventory control, use the R option Non-P/O Shipments Shipments that contain receipts that were NOT ordered via a P/O are referred to as “non-P/O” shipments Non-P/O shipments may be posted out side of the DMAS purchasing application To pass a non-P/O shipment to inventory control, use the R option The I/O Inventory Control Transaction Entry enhancement is a pre-requisite if non-P/O shipments are to be processed
The receiving shipment number is displayed Non-P/O Shipments The Misc Receipt Reconciliation screen is displayed, showing information about the inventory control batch about to be created The receiving shipment number is displayed The inventory control batch number automatically assigned may be changed by the user Additional inventory control batch information may be entered if desired The batch will then be created in the I/C application and will be waiting to be posted End of topic
(click button to view detail) Simulated RF Put-Away The RF Put-away function consists of two parts: RF Pick-up – Picks up receipts from receiving area and puts them into put-away cart Required only if all items in a shipment are received and placed in receiving area before put-away starts RF Drop-off – Removes receipts from put-away cart and puts them into bin location Simulated RF Pick-up Simulated RF Drop-off End of topic (click button to view detail)
Simulated RF Put-Away (Pick-up) The following screens simulate what the screens look like while using an RF hand held scanning device and performing the pick-up function within put-away Removes items from the virtual receiving area and puts them into the virtual put-away cart If “single” or “multiple” receiving is being performed, the pick-up function is not necessary In these cases, the RF receiving function also performs the pick-up
Simulated RF Put-Away (Pick-up) The user first completes the Put-Away header page The warehouse must first be identified The user indicates which receiving area within the warehouse the items are being picked up from Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Pick-up) The items being picked up are then scanned The scanned DMAS item number appears in the input capable field The user may enter the number of packages to reduce the number of scans If auto advance is turned “on”, the page will advanced immediately following the scan Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Pick-up) The quantity for each item being picked up will default, but can be changed The item being picked up is displayed The quantity defaults to the scan quantity, but may be changed by the user Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left The next item being picked up can then be scanned Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left End of topic
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) The following screens simulate what the screens look like while using an RF hand held scanning device and performing the drop-off function within put-away Removes items from the virtual put-away cart and puts them into the receiving bin location
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) If doing ‘single item’ receiving, the user is positioned at the ‘quantity’ and ‘to bin’ screen immediately following the action of receiving an item If doing ‘pickup and drop-off’, the user is positioned at the following screen after pressing the F6=Drop off function key
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) The item being dropped off is identified The DMAS item number being dropped off is scanned If tailored to single item receiving, scanning the item number is bypassed Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) A suggested bin and quantity is displayed The suggested quantity is the quantity in the cart if the bin has enough room The user can view bins for this item by pressing F7=Other bins Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) The valid bins are displayed for multi-bin items Scroll > The user may select a bin by keying a 1 adjacent to the desired bin The user displays the “other bin” page by pressing F7 This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) Scrolling to page 2 < Scroll Scroll > Additional data is displayed for each bin The user displays the “bin” page by pressing Enter This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) Scrolling to page 3 < Scroll Scroll > Additional data is displayed for each bin The user displays the “bin” page by pressing Enter This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) Scrolling to page 4 < Scroll Additional data is displayed for each bin The user displays the “bin” page by pressing Enter This page is not displayed for items that are NOT multi-bin items Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left
Simulated RF Put-Away (Drop-off) The bin location receiving the item may then be scanned The quantity being placed into this bin may be changed from the default If a bin was selected on the previous page, it is displayed here as info Function key definitions may be viewed by scrolling to the right and left Scan the bin, put the item away and continue to the next item by pressing the Enter key Help text may be viewed by scrolling down, then to the right and left (more available but not shown here) End of topic
Posting Receipts All purchase orders for which receipts were processed must be processed through the posting receipts function This task need not be performed by the receiver This task is best performed by the buyer or someone knowledgeable of the DMAS purchasing application This is the very same post receipts function that is part of the DMAS purchasing application
Posting Receipts All receipts for non-purchase order items must be posted via the Post inventory transactions (BATCH) job This is the same posting job that posts inventory transactions keyed into the I/O inventory control transaction entry feature of DMAS/Plus enhancement from I/O International End of topic
Item Cross Reference Maintenance A special maintenance function is provided to maintain the item cross reference file This file is used to translate foreign item numbers to DMAS item numbers Including foreign units of measure And conversion quantities
Summary of Item Cross Reference Maintenance Work with Item Cross References Cross Reference Detail Examples – XRef Types Vendor UPC Alternate Customer End of topic (click button to view detail)
Work With Item Cross References A list of existing item cross reference records is displayed You can change, copy, delete or browse existing cross reference records One line is displayed for each existing cross reference record To add a new cross reference record, use F6 When you elect to add, change, copy, delete or browse a record, the cross reference detail screen will be displayed End of topic
Cross Reference detail The detail screen is used to create, change, browse or delete item cross reference records The cross reference type is the first entry capable field The cross reference type entered defines what other fields are required for entry Defines the quantity of the DMAS item that the product id represents Defines the unit of measure of the DMAS item that is being received by this product id End of topic
Vendor Cross Reference The vendor type of item cross reference The cross reference type of VND requires the entry of a vendor number The remaining fields are common for all bar code types End of topic
UPC Cross Reference The UPC type of item cross reference The cross reference type of UPC only requires entry for the common fields End of topic
Alternate Cross Reference The alternate type item cross reference The cross reference type of ALT only requires entry for the common fields End of topic
Customer Cross Reference The customer type of item cross reference The cross reference type of CUS requires entry of company and customer number The remaining fields are common for all bar code types End of topic
Bar Code Tailoring Options A special maintenance function is provided to maintain the bar code tailoring options The tailoring options define whether or not an RF user is allowed to change an item’s Min or Max values directly from the RF device
Bar Code Tailoring Options The bar code tailoring options are generally set at install time You can allow an RF user to change bin Min and Max values The remainder of the tailoring options pertain to the I/O Bar Code Assisted Picking & Replenishment enhancement End of topic
Thank you for your interest End of Presentation Thank you for your interest For more information about the Bar Code Assisted Receiving Enhancement for iSeries 400 DMAS, call I/O International, Inc. at (914) 232-2233 Suite 2002 Pinewood Business Center Somers, New York 10589 Return to Bar Code Assisted Receiving Summary