HOLIDAY CAKES They Will Increase Sales, Especially During Slow Times Build A Tradition & Reputation With Customers Create A Whole New Business Segment Retailers Take Advantage of Holiday Sales, Why Shouldn’t You?
SPECIALITY CAKES EVERYDAY DISPLAY CAKES – Eye Appealing, Colorful, Unique Cakes to Your Store, Character Cakes, Edible Images BIRTHDAY CAKES – Create Exciting & Different Cakes, Distinguish Yourself From the Competition RELIGOUS CAKES – Communions, Confirmations, Christenings, & Bar Mitzvahs
Specialty Cake List Peanut Butter Cup Cake Cookies & Crème Cake Mighty Mini Cake Brownie Cake Character Cakes –Bratz –Sesame Street –Dinosaur 3-D –4 Princess Graduation Cake Religious Cakes –Cross Cake –Bar Mitzvah Sports Cakes Mini Cone Cake Edible Images –Scooby Doo
INVENTORY HOLIDAY CAKES Keep Holiday Designs In Stock Or Order In Advance Specific Colored Sprinkles For Holidays Marketing Reserved For Each Holiday Religious Sets SPECIALITY CAKES Keep Cookies And Candies In Stock Airbrush Colors Popular Character Cakes Edible Images KEEP A PICTURE BOOK & RECORD OF YOUR PREVIOUS YEARS CAKE SALES TO DETERMINE HOW MANY TO MAKE FOR EACH UPCOMING HOLIDAY
HOLIDAY CALENDAR Super Bowl Valentines Day Easter Mother’s Day Memorial Day Father’s Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas Day Remember to Reserve Advertising & Order Seasonal Products/Inventory Ahead Of Time
BE CREATIVE, TAKE RISKS, DON’T BE AFRAID TO EXPERIMENT!!!! Utilize Existing Inventory For Unique, Alternate, & Different Cake Decorations EX: CONES, COOKIES, PB CUPS, NEW COLORS
TRAIN AT LEAST TWO GOOD PEOPLE This Will Allow You To Have A 24 Hour Turnaround For Special Orders Order Pads
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