Week # 5 MR Chapter 6 Fluid Flow Through a Packed Bed of Particles Tutorial # 5 MR #6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 6.7, To be discussed on March 4, By either volunteer or class list. MARTIN RHODES (2008) Introduction to Particle Technology, 2nd Edition. Publisher John Wiley & Son, Chichester, West Sussex, England.
Pressure drop-flow relationship Tube equivalent diameter:Hagen-Poiseuille: Laminar flow: Flow area = A; wetted perimeter = S B A; S B : Particle surface area per unit volume of the bed. Total particle surface area in the bed = S B AH For packed bed, wetted perimeter = S B AH/H = S B A Darcy (1856)
Carmen-Kozeny eq.: Turbulent flow: A Sv = 6/x
General equation for turbulent and laminar flow Ergun eq.
Non-spherical particles Friction factor versus Reynolds number plot for fluid flows through a packed bed of spheres
Filtration Incompressible cake (Eq. 6.21, See Appendix 5 for derivation ) (From Ergun equation)
Constant pressure drop filtration Including the resistance of the filter medium (Eq. 6.23, see Appendix 5 for derivation ) (Eq. 6.27, see Appendix 5 for derivation )
Washing the cake Removal of filtrate during washing of the filter cake
Compressible cake Analysis of the pressure drop-flow relationship for a compressible cake r c = r c (p s )
x sv = 792 m.