Understanding European Imperialism What was it like to build an empire?
Before World War I
Beginning of World War I
Imperialism Simulation – Dueling Desserts The four groups: –Chocolate – Red –Cake – Blue –Cookie – Green –Ice Cream – Yellow
Vanilla cake Chocolate Cake Chocolate Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream Sugar cookies Chocolate Chip Cookies Brownies Strawberry Ice Cream Ice Cream Cake Cake Batter Ice Cream Peanut Butter Cookies Chocolate Chips M&M Cookies Chocolate Pie Cookie Cake Cookie Dough Ice Cream Oatmeal Cookies Strawberry Cake Chocolate Milk
Instructions Nominate a scribe and a spokesperson for your group. Look at the territories on the map. Make a list of all the territories you want to have. One at a time, tell the class which territories you want to control.
Think and Write Why were imperialism and empire building a cause of World War I? How did our dessert activity help to explain European imperialism? What is one important thing that you learned today?