In 2007 smoking was banned in certain places in the UK – which pictures represent banned areas? Discuss with a partner!
Objectives All pupils will be able to discuss three areas where smoking is now banned and why this happened. Most pupils will be able to discuss the consequences of the smoking ban and analyse the impact of anti-smoking adverts Some pupils will analyse the impact of anti- smoking adverts and interpret their meaning.
What do you already know about the smoking ban?
The Ban! It is against the law to smoke in most enclosed public places and workplaces. That includes pubs, bars, restaurants, even shopping centres. Public transport and work vehicles used by more than one person must be smokefree at all times. No-smoking signs must be displayed in all smokefree premises and vehicles. Staff smoking rooms and indoor smoking areas are no longer allowed, so anyone who wants to smoke has to go outside.
Celebrity Caught on Camera! Here we can see Lily Allen smoking in a London texi even though there is a clear sign telling her not to... So what could her punishment be?
The Consequences! Smoking in smokefree premises or work vehicles: £50 fine imposed on the person smoking. Or a maximum fine of £200 if taken to court. Failure to display no-smoking signs: £200 fine imposed on whoever manages or occupies the smokefree premises or vehicle. Or a maximum fine of £1000 if taken to court. Failing to prevent smoking in a smokefree place: a maximum fine of £2500 imposed on whoever manages or controls the smokefree premises or vehicle.
You decide... There were many arguments for and against the smoking ban when the idea came about. In a moment we will play The Great Divide. This is where you move to one side of the room depending on your opinion. The statements will either be in support or against the smoking ban and you need to decide which for each one.
Passive smoking is dangerous: Second-hand smoking in the workplace causes about 700 deaths each year. Against the ban Support the ban
The smoking ban will encourage parents to smoke at home and that could harm their children. Against the ban Support the ban
Non smokers deserve to breath in clean air. Against the ban Support the ban
Smoking bans damage business: bars and restaurants would lose money. Against the ban Support the ban
A ban would encourage more smokers to quit. Against the ban Support the ban
People deserve to be able to go out to the pub or to a restaurant without stinking of cigarette smoke. Against the ban Support the ban
A majority of people favour a smoking ban: A smoking ban in workplaces including pubs and bars is supported by a majority of people, according to the BBC. Against the ban Support the ban
Governments should worry about more important things than smoking. Against the ban Support the ban
What about you? Where do you stand personally?. Against the ban Support the ban
How old do you have to be to buy cigarettes?
What must all cigarette packets contain on them?
What can tobacco companies not do in this country?
How advertising has changed 20 or 30 years ago (when your parents were young), adverts like this were common They made smoking look cool, mature, trendy or even sexy And a lot of people fell for it!
Slowly the health warnings got bigger Then all advertising was banned in this country
Rate that advert Adverts are now being used for the opposite purpose – to try to stop people smoking You will be shown several anti-smoking adverts from around the globe You must work out what the poster is trying to say Then rate these adverts using the following criteria Eye-catching design Clear message Effectiveness
“In 14 years of modelling, this is my favourite shot of myself.” Christy Turlington considers quitting smoking her biggest success. One of her biggest regrets is that she ever started
Your homework: To design your own anti-smoking advert. It should list some of the health risks of smoking on it.
This is a poster designed by the NHS... What is it trying to say? Discuss in pairs.
Objectives All pupils will be able to discuss three areas where smoking is now banned and why this happened. Most pupils will be able to discuss the consequences of the smoking ban and analyse the impact of anti-smoking adverts Some pupils will analyse the impact of anti- smoking adverts and interpret their meaning.
For help and advice…. NHS Stop Smoking Service Helpline: The school nurse is also able to give advice about smoking issues!