Introducing Compound Words birth day Reading 1 st Grade
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words2 Teacher Page Content Area: Reading : Grade Level: 1 st Creator: Marge Humphrey Curriculum Standard: Reading Comprehension MAP standard: CA2, CA3 Activity: Identifying compound words, breaking compound words into two small words, making compound words from two small words. Scholastic-Unit 5, Week 4 Answers are on the mouse click. Children will need whiteboards or a journal for one slide. The last page is a “run off” page with flashcards.
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words3 Some words are made up of two smaller words. something ________ +________ some + thing
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words4 + rainbow
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words5 pancake pancake + =
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words6 What two little words make up the word “snowman”? Did you say “snow” and “man”?
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words7 Which of these words are compound words? 1. camper 2. doghouse 3. sleeping 4. butterfly 5. lighthouse Did you say these?
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words8 Read the sentence. Find the compound word. 1. Sam will go inside the house. 2. I will eat cake on my birthday. 3. Dad put on a blue necktie.
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words9 Take out whiteboards or a journal. Make words using column 1 and 2 1. bird dog in lunch mail 2. house side box
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words10 Did you find any of these words? birdhouse doghouse inside lunchbox mailbox Good for you!!!
MAP TAP Introducing Compound Words11 Cut out these word cards. See how many words you can make with a friend.