виконала вчитель англійської мови Полтавської гімназії № 6


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Presentation transcript:

виконала вчитель англійської мови Полтавської гімназії № 6 Презентація на тему “Balloon’s party” виконала вчитель англійської мови Полтавської гімназії № 6 Біліцька О.В.

Balloon's party

Traditions and Customs In Great Britain most people celebrate their birthdays on the day of the month they were born. Birthdays are celebrated with family and friends. Invitations are sent for a party. A birthday cake with candles is served. The number of candles are lighted. The person makes three wishes and then blows the candles out in one breath so the wishes will come true. People sing: “Happy Birthday” and wish the person health and long life.

It is traditional to bring or send birthday cards and gifts to the birthday person. Many people send flowers. Other gifts can be clothing, books, records, or perfumes. There are birthstones and flowers for each month of the year. These can also be appropriate gifts.

Parties for children are usually held at home Parties for children are usually held at home. At children′s parties, children wear birthday hats and get souvenirs from the birthday child. Sometimes birthdays are celebrated at school in the classroom with classmates. Mothers bring cake, candy, and refreshments for the whole class. Some parties are catered at restaurants. They reserve a special room for the birthday group and supply the refreshments and decorations.

Some birthdays are special Some birthdays are special. Girls have a special celebration for the sixteenth birthday, called “sweet sixteen.” The eighteenth birthday is important because it is the legal voting age.

Some people want to celebrate the birthday of a relative or friend with a “surprise party.” They organize the party, but the birthday person does not find out about it. When the person comes to the party everyone shouts “SURPRISE!”

It is nice to remember the birthday of family and friends It is nice to remember the birthday of family and friends. One way to show this is by sending birthday cards, making a telephone call, or sending telegrams. Some people make contributions to charities in the name of the birthday person.

My birthday is ON the seventh of April. When is your birthday? My birthday is ON the seventh of April. ( the) first (the) second (the) third (the) fourth (the) fifth (the) sixth (the) seventh (the) tenth (the) twenty-first (the) twenty- second (the) twenty- ninth

Best wishes Write down the invitation to your friend Have a lot of fun today. Enjoy your holiday. Have a magic day. Stay healthy. Have a wonderful day. I wish you luck. Be your own light. Wish you happiness. Wish you many friends. Best wishes. Many happy returns of the day.

Your project

Billy’s birthday

Answer the questions: When was Billy’s birthday ? today yesterday I don’t know How old was Billy yesterday ? four five six Did the parents give him presents ? Yes, they did No, they didn’t When did Billy have a birthday party ? in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

What presents did Billy get ? books and a mobile phone sweets and a computer toys and sweets How many candles were in the cake ? two ten five What song did they sing ? «Happy birthday» «We wish you a merry Christmas» «What is your name?» Did they have a good time ? I don’t know Yes, they did No, they didn’t

1. I always _______ presents to my friends. Put the new words into the sentences: Send; holidays; party; sent; presents; presents. 1. I always _______ presents to my friends. 2. I think that all people like _______. 3. My friend had a birthday _____ yesterday. 4. Liz _____ a nice book to my sister. 5. Yesterday I got a lot of ______. 6. Mother gave me a book, a toy and a box of sweets as _________.

Put the words into the sentences a gift- подарунок a birthday cake- святковий торт to light a candle- запалювати свічки to blow- дути to blow out a candle- задувати свічки to bake a cake- випікати торт to blow up a balloon- надувати кульки to send birthday cards- надсилати святкову листівку to bring gifts- дарувати подарунки When is your mother’s____________? My grandmother bakes a ____ on my birthday. I ____out the candles in my birthday cake. I like ____________ to my friends. My friends help me to__________ the balloons.

What’s your favorite food? Speaking club

Make a text There were lots of things to eat I went to my friend’s party yesterday. We had a game. T won a prize. There were an ice-cream , candies and sausages rolls He had lots of great gifts. There was a cake with six candles. I didn’t know which food I wanted to eat .

Let’s play

1 2 4 5

1 b e a r 2 4 5

1 b e a r 2 4 5

1 b e a r 2 c k 4 5

1 b e a r 2 c k 4 5

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 5

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 5

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 i n 5

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 i n 5

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 i n 5 h u s

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 i n 5 h u s 6 3 7

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 i n 5 h u s 6

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 i n 5 h u s 6

1 b e a r 2 c k d o l 4 i n 5 h u s 6 p

1 b 2 a l 4 5 o n

You are clever !

BILLY’S BIRTHDAY Приложение1   Billy was five yesterday. In the morning, when Billy was in bed, his Mum and Dad came into his room. They kissed him and said : Good morning, dear. Do you know, what it’s a holiday today ? No, I don’t. What holiday is it ? It’s your birthday , dear ! And do you know, how old you are today ? I’m sorry, I don’t. You are five today ! Happy birthday to you , dear ! And here are some birthday presents for you. And they gave him the presents : two big brown funny toy-monkeys , three nice books for little children and a box of sweets. Billy liked the presents and he thanked his parents. In the afternoon Billy had a birthday party. His friends came at three o’clock. They gave Billy different presents : books, toys, sweets and many other things. The children ate and drank a lot : juice , bananas , apples, sweets and a big birthday cake with five candles in it .Then they played different games . Billy’s friends and parents sang him a song ”Happy birthday”. They had a very good time.

План-конспект уроку з англійської мови 5 клас Тема : «Вечірки та свята» Підтема: «Birthday party» Мета: Удосконалювати вимову учнів. Організувати ознайомлення учнів з новим ЛО теми та тренування по оперуванню учнями новим ЛО на рівні речення. Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні. Практикувати учнів у вживанні граматичних структур (теперішній та минулий неозначений часи). Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту інформативного характеру. Збагачувати знання учнів з теми. Розвивати фонематичний слух учнів, якість вимовних навичок ,слухову пам’ять, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок, уяву, здатність до здогадки; вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки , культуру читання. Виховувати інтерес до вивчення ІМ, до навчання, повагу до оточуючих, відповідальність у роботі. Обладнання : комп’ютер, проектор та екран, роздатковий матеріал, малюнки. Хід уроку Етап 1. Початок уроку. 1.Організація класу. T.: Hello, dear friends! How are you? I hope everything is in order. 2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку учням. Т.: Today we are starting a fantastic topic “Parties and Holidays”. The Topic of our lesson is “Birthday party”. We’ll learn new words to enrich your vocabulary, do some exercises to master your English, listen, dramatize and create your own dialogues, read an interesting text to enlarge your knowledge. You will present your projects in our lesson. I hope you’ll enjoy lesson!

Етап 2. Основна частина уроку 1.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. Читання та переклад тексту «Traditions and Customs» (Слайд 3-9) 2.Повторення лексичного матеріалу. Слайд 9. When is your birthday? Учні по черзі складають речення про дату свого народження, користуючись малюнками та табличками на екрані Слайд 10. «Best wishes» - учні записують побажання один одному на окремих аркушах, які роздадуть в кінці уроку в довільному порядку Слайд 11. « Your project» - учні презентують власні проекти. 3.Тренування в аудіюванні. Слайд 12. Учитель читає текст “Billy’s Birthday”. Учні повинні дати відповіді на запитання після тексту (слайд 13-14) 4.Практикування граматичних та лексичних навичок 1.Put the new words into the sentences. (Слайд 15.) 2. Put the words from the box into the sentences (слайд 16) 5.Розвивати навички говоріння «What is your favorite food ?»(слайд 17) (Діти обговорюють та висловлюють свої думки, щодо своїх улюблених страв та напоїв на вечірках) 6.Розвивати навички логічного мислення, практикувати вживання активної лексики. Слайд 18. «Make the text»  7.Розвивати уяву учнів, перевірити знання лексики по темі. Розгадування кросворду «Let’s play» (слайд 20-34)

Етап 3. Коментування домашнього завдання Скласти запрошення на вечірку за планом Етап 4. Підсумки уроку. Оцінювання T.: Did you like the lesson? What words have we learnt? Write them on the blackboard! I enjoy working with you. Your marks are because...Thanks for your work. The lesson is over. Bye!