Meeting Protocol Submitted by: The Alpha Omicron Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma Spring 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Meeting Protocol Submitted by: The Alpha Omicron Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma Spring 2013

Voting Members Must be in good standing including Paid dues Maximum of 3 excused absences Paid fines G.P.A. of at least a 2.5 Active band participation

Meeting Etiquette Attendance/ Tardies Max. 3 excused absences Max. 3 tardies NO FOUL LANGUAGE OR GESTURES Keep in mind that the point of discussing a motion is not to hurt feelings/ get angry at each other. Please do not interrupt other speakers Members who wish to speak MUST be recognized by the chair BEFORE doing so Meetings are for business purposes, not social hour Unfinished business MUST be handled before new business can be presented. If unfinished business is NOT taken up again at the next meeting, the issue dies.

Terms to know The Chair – the presiding office ( usually the president, but in the presidents absence, the vice president may take his/her place) The Question- a proposal to take action Quorum- the number of voting members that must be present for the transaction of business Abstain- to refrain from voting usually because of a conflict of interest (not because you don’t feel like voting)

General Motions 1. Main Motion – introduce subjects to the assembly for consideration “I move that we…..” 2. Subsidiary Motion- change or affect how the main motion is handled. Must be voted on before the main motion. For example, an amendment to a main motion. 3. Privileged Motions- usually more urgent; typically about special or important matters not related to pending business. i.e. “I move we adjourn” 4. Incidental Motions- questions of procedure that arise out of other motions. Must be considered BEFORE the motion in question. For Example, a motion to suspend the rules is an incidental motion

6 Steps to a Motion 1. Rise, wait for recognition from the chair, and make the motion. Motions should be stated using the phrase “ I MOVE THAT…” 2. Another member seconds the motion 3. The chair restates the motion to the assembly The chair will state “ It has been moved and seconded that we […… ]This motion is now open for discussion” 4. Members discuss the motion, and make amendments if necessary. This is NOT an opportunity to get out of control and argue.

6 Steps (cont’d) 5. The Chair calls for the vote. The chair MUST state what kind of vote is being taken ( raise your hand; say aye; stand; etc;) 6. The chair announces result followed by one tap of the gavel, and moves on to the next item of business

How to Modify a Motion Usually must be done AFTER the motion has been seconded, but BEFORE the question is called Any modification made after the motion has been passed requires unanimous consent To amend a motion you must either: a) insert words b)striking out words (not deleting) c) striking out and inserting words.

For Example “I move that we have a cookie cake sale” a) “ I move to amend the motion to have a cookie cake sale by INSERTING the words ‘on Jan. 30 th ’ at the end of the motion. b) “ I move to amend the motion to have a cookie cake sale by STRIKING OUT the word ‘cake.’” c) “ I move to amend the motion to have a cookie cake sale by STRIKING OUT the word ‘cookie’ and INSERTING the word ‘ice cream.’”

Suspending the Rules When the voting members wish to do something that violates the regular rules of the assembly, it can pass a motion to Suspend the Rules. This motion pertains to regular Rules of Order (requires a 2/3 rd vote) and standing rules (requires a majority vote). You CANNOT suspend Bylaws or the Constitution unless your bylaws/ constitution has made provisions to allow for rule suspension “I move that we suspend the rule that prohibits us from [….]”