Dalton Dining Hall Case Presentation By: Kathryn Stallings Carter Farmer Chelsea Hentschel Michael Asheber Silence Grumbine
Description Of Dalton Hall All you can eat for one price Breakfast, lunch, dinner Multiple types of foods available Large area for social networking
Identified Problems Line forms outside during peak meal times Lines form around food stations and dish return Not many health conscious food options Limited hours (not open late enough) Not enough seating, uncomfortable seating Small food variety outside of themed nights
Identified Opportunities Long Term Recommendation: –Space for a grocery store Immediate suggestions: –More card swipe lines
Identified Opportunities Immediate: –Pre-Made brown bag lunch for students on the go. –Employee training Long Term: –Advertise to those other than students –Space for a grocery store –Encourage more healthy foods –Delivery to on-campus students –More comfortable seats
Improving Dalton Dining Hall
SWOT TABLE FavorableUnfavorable InternalStrengths -Many Choices -Cheaper than terrace shops -Convenient for on campus students Weaknesses -Long Lines (entrance, dish return & food stations) -Limited hours -Not convenient for off campus students -Not enough seating for students and also uncomfortable seating ExternalOpportunities - Advertise to those other than students -Space for a grocery store -More card swipe lines -Encourage more healthy foods -Delivery to on-campus students -Pre-Made brown bag lunch for students on the go. Threats - More students not buying on campus meal plans -Other food shops in building
Current Marketing Mix: What Does Dalton Offer Product: Buffet Style Salad Bar: The salad bar consists of many vegetables and meets. The bar also offers a wide range of salad dressing including fat free ones. Main Course Meal: Offers a wide range of selections of foods to meet a wide variety of dietary needs. Menu located online at m m Desserts: Desserts consists mostly of cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, and a small selection of sugar free items. Sandwich Bar: Make a selection from pretty much any sandwich that is wanted. Healthy Choices section: Provides students with, what is considered, a healthy choice.
Current Marketing Mix Price: –Door prices for cash customers: Breakfast: $4.95 Brunch/Lunch: $7.20 Dinner: $8.40 –Meal Plans Available through Radford University: With a Meal Plan On/off Campus: »$1, per semester –Breakfast $1.80 instead of $5.40 (Door rate) –Lunch $2.60 instead of $7.80 –Dinner $3.00 instead of $9.00 Long Term Recommendation: LOWER Brunch/Lunch and Dinner Prices.
Flex Meal Plan on/off Campus Long Term Recommendations: Students/Parents are required to pay $ per semester for a flex plan. Each student is then given $ dollars on their card account throughout the semester. Many believe that $ is enough for one student. Decrease the semester amount due.
Current Marketing Mix Promotion: Summer hours Monday - Friday –Breakfast: 7 am-9 am –Lunch: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm –Dinner: 4 pm - 7 pm Saturday & Sunday –Brunch: 10:30 am - 1:30 pm –Dinner: 5 pm - 7pm
Current Marketing Mix –Promotion (continued): Website dalton_cafeteria.htmhttp://dining.asp.radford.edu/ dalton_cafeteria.htm Dining Services P.O. Box 6896 Radford, Va Fax:
Dalton Hall Hours Long term and Immediate Recommendations: Ideally the cafeteria would be opened all day. The school cafeteria should be open at the convenience of the students.
For those customers electing to not eat their meal in the Residence Dining Hall, take out is available. Time of entry is the only time that you can receive a “carry-out” container. Please inform the door checker that you are a “carry- out” customer to receive your container. These containers are NOT for eat in. No personal food, beverage containers or outside food will be permitted. Please only take the amount of food that fits into the container when appropriately sealed. “Take out” consists of one (1) box and two (2) cups. We ask all our customers eating in or taking out to: “Take only what you can eat.” Do not remove any china, cups or utensils from the Residence Dining Hall. Dining Services reserves the right to limit the portion size of certain menu items. Dine-in customers may not get carry-out cups for beverages
Carry Out Policy Revised Recommendation With the amount of money that is spent each semester for meal plans students should be able to take carry out before and after a meal. Not under the supervision of an employee. With the amount of food that is thrown out and wasted everyday students should be able to carry out anytime. Many college students live in dorms and do not have enough money to buy groceries for their room. This would be an added snack for the later hours.
Current Marketing Mix Place: –On Campus
Long Term Recommendation: Take out the bookstore and move it to the library. Move the terrace shops to where the bookstore was and expand Dalton dining hall.
Marketing Mix After Recommendations Have Been Implemented Product: –More healthy food, variety. Grab and Go sandwiches convenient for students. If we implemented weighing the salads, students who are just getting a salad pay less. Price: –reasonable price (meal plans, students without meal plans) –Getting more for what you pay for Promotion- –Grand reopening –More events inside Dalton dining hall –Advertising to those other than students which brings more business –cafeteria would be opened all day –Delivery to on-campus students Place- –Expanded with more seats for students, less crowded. Multiple entrances and more card swipe lines which reduces the lines.
Success Success will be monitored and measured on a daily basis during renovations then on a monthly basis by a Performance Consultant.
Survey Of Dalton Hall Results of the Survey: –Suggestions of Change: “Laxatives would be taken out of food” “more service pay stations” “better food” “make the dining hall bigger” “Price without meal plan should be more reasonable” More variety More healthy “More variety” “More healthy” “Not able to eat as much as you want” “More events” “The hours of operation” “Add TV’s and bring back trays” “Better service” “Salads should be weighed”
Interview Current Marketing Techniques New Ideas and Marketing Techniques Short Term Goals Long Term Goals