Buckwheat Quinoa Spelt
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) Fruit seed Related to Rhubarb Gluten Free Nutty flavor Packed with: – Fiber, magnesium, manganese, protein, copper, potassium, selenium and niacin.
Buckwheat-What makes it unique? Rich source of Rutin-Type of Bioflavanoid. – Antioxidant – Helps body utilize vitamin C – May help inflammation/circulation problems cause by free radical damage.
How to cook? 1 Cup Buckwheat to 2 cups water minutes Remove from heat and let sit How to Enjoy! – Replace whole wheat flour for pancakes, breads, muffins – Cook buckwheat instead of oatmeal – Add to soups/stews – Make salad with seeds, green onions, peas.
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa or goosefoot) Quinoa (keen-wah) Seed Relative of spinach, chard and beets Gluten Free Nutty flavor, fluffy and slightly crunchy Over 120 different varieties
What makes quinoa Unique? Complete protein! Rich in Lysine – AA essential for healthy tissue growth/repair. Also good source of manganese, magnesium, fiber, potassium, copper. Good source of protein for Vegetarians.
Quinoa How to cook? Measure and Rinse 1 Cup quinoa to 2 cups liquid Cooks in about minutes How to Enjoy? – Eat it chilled with pinto beans, pumpkin seeds, scallions. – Add nuts and fruits to quinoa for breakfast porridge – Ground quinoa for cookies/muffins – Quinoa Pasta – Add to favorite soups!
Spelt-(Triticum aestivum) Wheat Hybrid-more nutritionally robust cousin of wheat Contains Gluten Broader range of nutrients/Heart Healthy! Excellent source of Manganese Good source of protein, copper and zinc.
Spelt-How to cook? 3 cups water to 1 cup spelt Cover and simmer for ~1 ½ hours Can replace whole wheat flour in: – Breads/Pastas – Cookies/Cakes – Crackers Can make delicious salads.
Grain SpeltQuinoaBuckwheat Manganese 2.12 mg1.17 mg0.68mg Fiber 8 g5g Phosphorus 291 mg281mg118mg B mg 0.8mg 1.6mg Magnesium 95mg118 mg86mg Protein 11g8g6g Copper 0.42 mg.36 mg.25mg Potassium 277mg318mg148mg
Lentil Quinoa Salad 1/2 cup quinoa 1 1/4 cups water, plus 2 cups 1/2 cup lentils 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1 lime, zested Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 green onions, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro leaves Directions Put the quinoa in a sieve and rinse in cold water. In a large microwave-proof bowl with a cover, add the rinsed quinoa and 1 1/4 cups water. Cover and microwave on high for 9 minutes. Let it sit for 2 minutes then stir. Quinoa should be tender enough to eat, but with a little "pop" upon biting. Put the lentils in a sieve and rinse in cold water. In a saucepan, simmer the lentils in 2 cups water until the lentils are tender, but not mushy, about 30 minutes. Drain and cool. In a small bowl, whisk the mustard and vinegar together, and drizzle in the oil to make an emulsion. Add the garlic powder, lime zest, and salt, and pepper, to taste. To assemble the salad: In a medium salad bowl, mix the quinoa, lentils, green onions, and chopped cilantro. Top the salad with the dressing, toss to coat and serve.
Spelt salad with apple, parsley and carrots Ingredients 1/2 c chopped carrots 1 c cooked spelt (or wheat berries or hulled barley) 1/2 c diced red pepper 1/4 c diced parsley 1/2 c peeled and diced kohlrabi 1/2 c diced apple Dressing 2 Tbsp orange juice 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1/8 tsp dried ginger (or 1 tsp grated fresh ginger) Add salad dressing to bowl. Mix all veggies. Keep in fridge for at least two hours. Serve cold or room temp.
References 1)Jeong YJ, Choi YJ, Kwon HM, Kang SW, Park HS, Lee M, Kang YH. Differential inhibition of oxidized LDL-induced apoptosis in human endothelial cells treated with different flavonoids. British J Nutrition. 2005;93(5): )National Agricultural Library/USDA 3)