Class: 餐旅二甲 Name: 莊宛霖 Student Number: 4A0F0091 Teacher: 羅尹希 CKAFFA 咖法義式 廚房
Address: No.585, Sec. 1, Changhe Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 709, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Near: National Museum of Taiwan History Tel: Opening Hours: Monday ~ Friday 11:00a.m.~21:00p.m. Saturday ~ Sunday 08:00a.m.~21:00p.m. ABOUT
Dining area INTRODUCTION Counter
MENU(1/2) Exquisite Package: $350~$360 Shacking: $80 Hop Top: $350~$420 Pasta: $360~$380 Risotto: $360~$380 Baked: $380
MENU(2/2) Sandwich: $130 Muffins: $130 Coffee: $120~$150 Siphon coffee: $120~$180 Juice: $120 Tea/Mike: $130~$180 Salad: $120 Breakfast: $160 Afternoon Tea: $220~$420
MEAL(1/4) Bisque Salad Bread
MEAL(2/4) Pumpkin bacon salmon pasta Creamy seafood risotto
MEAL(3/4) Pine nuts and basil chicken risotto Tomato chicken pasta
MEAL(4/4) Exotic juices Latte Dessert
The end Thanks for your listening!