Bananas Apples Salad Grapes Chocolates Sweets Crisps Jam/sweet things
You should have a healthy lunch box because at lunch time you will have More energy at play!!!
ealthy eating is what you need. at healthy nd you will go far, you will Ive until you are old omatoes and tangerines are healthy for you ave you eaten your five a day? if you have, ou will go a long long way! very day you should eat five fruits in your lunch lways choose the right foods and you will turn out great. ow go and eat a piece of fruit o out and remember this message n the box you should have a healthy foods but not sweets! o be healthy is easier than you think
Do you like me? Well meet my friend!!
Eat me instead!! I am more healthy and I have lots of vitamins. Don’t Eat him he’s not healthy