The maximum area of a Sukkah is the area of... 1) There is no maximum area! 2) The Moon, because Rosh Hashanah begins at the time of the New Moon 3) The Land of Israel
CORRECT! The maximum area of a Sukkah is the area of... There is no maximum area!.
The Torah was given in. 1) Egypt 2) The desert 3) Disney land
CORRECT! The Torah was given in. The desert
Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hoshana Raba, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah all fall in the same Hebrew month. 1) True 2) False 3) It depends
CORRECT! Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hoshana Raba, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah all fall in the same Hebrew month. True
What does holding the Lulav, Etrog,Hadasim, and Aravot together represent... 1) Unity of the Jewish People 2) Disunity of the Jewish People 3) Lulov and Esrog salad
CORRECT! What does holding the Lulav, Etrog,Hadasim, and Aravot together represent... Unity of the Jewish People
Every child can help bring Moshiach by: 1) Buying a letter in the children's sefer torah 2) Learning extra torah 3) All of the aboveMoshiach Bonus!
CORRECT! Every child can help bring Moshiach by: All of the above
If someone built a "Sukkah" in the top branches of a California Redwood tree, using bamboo poles as s’chach, the Sukkah is... 1) Valid 2) Invalid 3) Valid only in the state of California
CORRECT! If someone built a "Sukkah" in the top branches of a California Redwood tree, using bamboo poles as s’chach, the Sukkah is... Valid
On Simchat Torah we dance with... 1) Training wheels 2) The Torah 3) A Siddur
CORRECT! On Simchat Torah we dance with... The Torah
The palm branch we use on Sukkot is called the... 1) Harts of palm 2) Aravah 3) Lulav
CORRECT! The palm branch we use on Sukkot is called the... Lulav
Moshiach will reveal... 1) All the test answers 2) The secrets of the Torah 3) The hidden altarMoshiach Bonus!
CORRECT! Moshiach will reveal... The secrets of the Torah
On Simchas Torah we read... 1) The last portion of the Torah 2) The first portion 3) Both
CORRECT! On Simchas Torah we read... Both
A "Sukkah" is most like a... 1) A hut 2) Small palace 3) Luxury apartment
CORRECT! A "Sukkah" is most like a... A hut
The four species are the key to Moshiach because: 1) It represents a unity of the Jewish people 2) It teaches us that a Jew must "grow" 3) It reminds us to preserve natureMoshiach Bonus!
CORRECT! The four species are the key to Moshiach because: It represents a unity of the Jewish people
The fruit included among the four species is the... 1) Banana 2) Esrog 3) Lemon
CORRECT! The fruit included among the four species is the... Esrog
If its pouring rain in your Sukkah, are required to eat the meal in the Sukkah? 1) Yes 2) No 3) Depending on the snow
CORRECT! If its pouring rain in your Sukkah, are required to eat the meal in the Sukkah? Yes
The Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple, will be rebuilt in the city of... 1) Tel Aviv 2) Jerusalem 3) MonticelloMoshiach Bonus!
CORRECT! The Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple, will be rebuilt in the city of... Jerusalem
We are happy on Sukkot because... 1) We have gone successfully through Judgment and Atonement 2) It is the "Time of the Harvest." And We feel close to G-d 3) All of the above
CORRECT! We are happy on Sukkot because... All of the above
A Sukkah built on the deck of a ship is... 1) Fine and dandy 2) Not good! 3) Fine but not dandy
CORRECT! A Sukkah built on the deck of a ship is... Fine but not dandy
One of the Ushpizin, the seven holy guests whom we invite to the Sukkah, is... 1) Adam 2) Moshe 3) The Rabbi
CORRECT! One of the Ushpizin, the seven holy guests whom we invite to the Sukkah, is... Moshe