SIEMENS SCTP bake -off meeting Signalling Transport Working Group sigtran Michael Tüxen, Siemens AG
SIEMENS ©Michael Tüxen, ICN WN CS SEN 51 Number 2. The bake-off meeting It must be agreed on a date and place. Siemens could host the bake-off meeting. Suggested time: 5th - 9th of June Suggested place: Munich.
SIEMENS ©Michael Tüxen, ICN WN CS SEN 51 Number 3. What should be tested? Bringing up and down associations with various parameter settings. Transmission of user data. Handling of network failures. Transmission of user data on an IP network with transmission errors and delays. Handling of bandwidth limitations. Handling of attacks. Handling of error conditions. No stress test at the first bake off meeting.
SIEMENS ©Michael Tüxen, ICN WN CS SEN 51 Number 4. Test environment Each implementation should use its own IP-network addresses. So it gets at least two class C network address ranges. The transmission delay and message loss should be configurable for each pair of implementations. A list of test scenarios must be prepared. The functionality of a SCTP test application must be defined, such that these test applications can be used for testing all scenarios. A graphical packet tracer will be available: Ethereal ( will be extended to support SCTP.
SIEMENS ©Michael Tüxen, ICN WN CS SEN 51 Number 5. Test network Packet dropper router Packet dropper router Packet dropper router Packet dropper router Packet dropper router Packet dropper router Packet dropper router Packet dropper router IUT Hub IUT Hub L2 Switch IUT