FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 1 KAYAKU MicroChem. Co., Ltd. MicroChem. Corp. NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. Temporary resist: alkaline or solvent developable ‘XP KMPR-1000’ Next Generation Epoxy Resists for High Performance Applications
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 2 Target Requirements Film Thickness: >50 um Aspect Ratio: >5:1 Alkaline Developable Plating Resistant Etch Resistant Easy to Remove Excellent Adhesion Crack - Free Strategy Synthesis of epoxy resin - Alkaline soluble - Low stress - Low shrinkage - Adhesion Formulation - Monomer / PAG / Additives XP KMPR-1000 Crosslink Part Alkaline soluble Part Temporary resist: alkaline developable
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 3 XP KMPR um20um30um L/S=1/1 L/S=1/3- Cross Section of Lithographic Pattern (FT=60um) ConditionsSubstrate : Si waferSoft bake : 95degC Exposure : 1000mJ (Ushio I-line)PEB : 95degC Develop : 25degC / Immersion
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 4 XP KMPR-1000 Cross Section of Lithographic Pattern (FT over100um) KMPR 1050 on silicon: 100um thickness A.R. =8 Process Parameters:Spin speed: 800 rpm Soft Bake: 20’/100 C Exposure: 180”/ Vacuum Contact PEB: 3’/100 C Develop: 3’50” in TMAH SEMS and data courtesy of IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland KMPR 1050 on Cu: 130um thickness A.R. = 9
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 5 XP KMPR mJ750mJ850mJ Line- Trench-- Lithography by I line Stepper ASML Resolution : <0.35um N.A. : 0.63 Alignment : 70nm Depth of focus: 500nm
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 6 XP KMPR-1000 Thick Plating Compatibility Acid Condition - Electro Ni Proven - Electro Cu Proven - Electro Au Proven - Electro Solder Proven - Electro less Au Alkaline Condition - Electro less Cu & Au
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 7 Before StripIncomplete RemovalComplete Removal XP KMPR-1000 Strippability StripperTemp. (deg C) Time (min.) Hard Bake None Remover PG7030Removal SU-8 Remover N019360Removal DMSO / NMPR.T.30Removal-- Alkaline aq. soln.R.T.30NG Strip Mechanism: swell and lift
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 8 XP KMPR-1000 Cross section of Ni plated structures (FT=35um) 10um20um30um L/S=1/1 L/S=3/1- Plating Solution : Ni sulfamate Current Density : 2.5 A/dm 2 Time&Temp. : degC Stripping Stripper: Remover PG Time&Temp. :
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 9 XP KMPR-1000 Cross section of Ni plated structures (2) Size/Space=25/12Size/Space=25/25Size/Space=50/50 Plating Solution : Ni sulfamate Current Density : 2.5 A/dm 2 Time&Temp. : degC Stripping Stripper: Remover PG Time&Temp. : 70degC Square Post (FT=50um) Square Hole (FT=50um) Size/Space=25/12Size/Space=25/25
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 10 XP KMPR-1000 Cross section of Cu & solder plated structures Cu Elliptic Post (FT=50um) Plating Solution : Cu sulfate soln. Current Density : 2.5 A/dm 2 Time&Temp. : 25degC Stripping Stripper: Remover PG Time&Temp. : 70degC Solder Square Post (FT=75um) Plating Solution : Solder plating soln. Current Density : 3.0 mA/dm 2 Time&Temp. : 25degC Stripping Stripper: Remover PG Time&Temp. : 70degC
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 11 Current issues with KMPR 1000 Complete removal in wet resist strippers, such as NMP & DMSO not achievable Viscosity stability limited to 120 days at room temperature 50 um KMPR with Nickel metal plated up on a nickel seed layer. The resist structures in this image are 25 um posts. You can see the the KMPR surrounding the structures was easily removed in NMP. However, you can also see the KMPR stuck in between the high aspect ratio features. This is typical of what we have seen with all wet stripping of KMPR
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 12 Ball-Grid Array (BGA) of Copper Metal Plated on Copper Seed Layer using 20 um KMPR Removed by Dry, Plasma Ash (100 W, 95/5 sccm O 2 /SF mTorr, 60 minutes) Photoresist Etch Rate (Å/min) Shipley SU KMPR W, 10 sccm O 2, 40 mTorr, 10 minutes
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 13 Wet etch - Glass etching (HF) - Al etching (acid) XP KMPR-1000 Etch Compatibility Dry etch - Si etching (Deep RIE) (5%HF aq) Resist PatternAl Pattern
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 14 XP KMPR-1000 Crack-free structures with good adhesion Sample Substrate : Si waferSoft bake : 95degC Preparation Exposure : Ushio(I-line)PEB : 95degC Develop : SU-8 25degC / Immersion KMPRSU-8 Line Pattern Hole Pattern Poor adhesion Surface Cracks
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 15 Temporary resist: solvent developable Need: to prevent etching of sensitive materials Substrate Electro Line Al Ceramic - Platform is the same as alkaline developable resist SU-8 Developer (PGMEA based) Equivalent performance: aqueous & SU-8 developers
FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Copyright(c) NIPPON KAYAKU Co., Ltd. 16 XP KMPR-1000 Summary XP KMPR-1000 is a temporary resist based on a new epoxy resin platform Film Thickness: >50 um Aspect Ratio: >5:1 Alkaline or solvent developable Plating Resistant Etching Resistant Easy to remove Excellent adhesion Crack-free Applications MEMS Sensor, Actuator, Robot IC packaging Bump plating Etch Mask Wet, Dry