Sugar or Splenda? By Kylie Logan Mr. Cossey Period 5
Purpose: To determine whether 20 students prefer Snickerdoodles baked with sugar and Snickerdoodles baked with Splenda. Hypothesis: If I bake two batches of Snickerdoodles, one with sugar and one with Splenda, and test 20 students the majority will like the batch baked with sugar.
Materials: 20 friends, 2 batches of Snickerdoodles one with sugar and one with Splenda, 20 napkins with 2 columns one marked A and one marked B. AB
Independent Variable: The white sugar. Dependent Variable: The taste of the cookie. Constants: The same day and temperature, the same ingredients except for the sugar, and the same portions. Control: The students’ votes. Conclusion: My hypothesis was wrong. It turns out that the students liked cookie A and cookie B the same. My data shows that ten students liked cookie A and ten students liked cookie B.
Procedure: Bake two batches of Snickerdoodle cookies. Bake one with sugar and one with Splenda. On 20 napkins draw two columns one marked A and one marked B. On the napkin place cookie A (sugar) in column A and cookie B (Splenda) in column B. Have 20 friends eat cookie A and cookie B. Have them circle the letter marked in the column they liked better. Record how many people liked cookie A and cookie B.