2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 1 A NOVEL FABRICATION OF IONIC POLYMER- METAL COMPOSITES (IPMC) ACTUATOR WITH SILVER NANO-POWDERS Reporter : Song-En Gong( 龔頌恩 ) Adviser : Cheng-Hsien Liu( 劉承賢 ) C. K. Chung, Y. Z. Hong, P. K. Fung, M. S. Ju1, C. C. K. Lin, and T. C. Wu Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Micro/Nano Technology Research, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, ROC Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, ROC Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, ROC TRANSDUCERS’05 Seoul, Korea, June 5-9, 2005, pp
2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 2 Outline Introduction Fabrication and Result Discussion and Conclusion
2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 3 Introduction Nafion®
2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 4 Introduction Ref:Kwangmok Jung,2003
Introduction 2015/5/16 Multimedia & Database Lab. 5 Actuated by 3 V dc; sample moves continuously towards the anode and forms nearly a circle after 3.5 min with no sign of electrolysis Ref:Sia Nemat-Nasser,2003
Novel Fabrication 2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 6
2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 7 Result The appearance of IPMC actuator with casting Ag nano-powders method The actuation result of IPMC sample by supplying DC voltage of 3 V from 0-12 sec
Discussion 2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 8 Advantage Large deformations Low driving voltage Actuating force about mN Faster than other fabrication(4hr) Biological compatibility Good repeatability Handicap Repeatability? Short durability in dry conditions Unmatched with other fabrication technique Electrolysis at higher voltage Not function high T Hard top down
Conclusion 2015/5/16 Multimedia & Database Lab. 9 Biomimetic sensors Actuators Transducers Artificial muscles
END Thanks for your attention 2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 10
2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 11
2015/5/16 The Micro-Systems & Control Lab. 12 First, we send out the SOI wafer for ion implantation (Fig.5(a)). After getting the wafer back, a short drive-in is performed and at the same time a thin layer of oxide is formed to serve as the insulation layer. Then we open the contact windows to the dopedsilicon (Fig. 5(b)). Electrical connection is formed using gold on titanium deposition and lift-off (Fig. 5(c)). The paddle-like cantilevers are then defined by front side DRIE (Fig. 5(d)). Following that the bulk backside etching is also performed using DRIE to get the cantilevers ready for release (Fig. 5(e)). A single layer of SU is then spun to achieve thickness of approximately 700μm (Fig. 5(f)). For pre- exposure bake, the samples are ramped up to 105oC at 150 oC/hr ramp rate and soaked at 105oC. After a total bake time of 13 hours the samples are then ambient cooled to room temperature. The photolithography is doneusing a Karl Suss contact aligner at 365nm. A high- wavelength pass optical filter with cutoff frequency of 300nm is used during exposure to eliminate the “T-topping” effect of the SU-8 structures (Fig. 6). The exposure dose is 3000mJ/cm2. For post-exposure bake, the samples are again ramped up to 105oC at 150 oC/hr ramp rate and soaked at 105oC for half an hour. The samples are then ramped down to room temperature at a controlled rate of 15 oC/hr. The development is done using designated SU-8 developer with IPA as the end point indicator. After the cilia assembly, the devices are released in BHF to free the cilium-on-cantilever structures (Fig. 5(g)).
2015/5/16 Multimedia & Database Lab. 13 Strain max =z/ =zM/EI Resistive noise L-x M(x) M0M0 F y(x) 摟 = 曲率半徑
2015/5/16 Multimedia & Database Lab. 14 懸臂樑 K
2015/5/16 Multimedia & Database Lab. 15
2015/5/16 Multimedia & Database Lab. 16 VeVe V+V+ V-V- R R R+ R