Or “It was shake ‘n bake, and I hayelped!”
The seven principles of Supportive Employment? The five core activities of Supportive Employment?
A lack of a working knowledge of SE (learning then remembering): Knowing what my SE Specialist was supposed to be doing Knowing what my SE Specialist was actually doing “Supposed to be doing” “Actually doing” The Gap
A “Commercial” for SE (with built-in repetition) Two Monitoring Forms One Flow Sheet
Rapid Job Searches Jobs Tailored to Individual Time- Unlimited Follow- Along Benefits Counseling Integrated Treatment: SE & MH Competitive Employment Zero Exclusion Criteria SE Assess- ment & Planning Referral Process Job Develop- ment Job Coaching Follow- Along SE Principles & Activities
No one is excluded because of symptoms or anything else. Zero Exclusion Criteria No required pre-employment assessment and training, or intermediate work experiences (TE, sheltered workshops). Rapid Job Searches Choices and decisions about work and support are based on the person’s preferences, strengths, and experiences. Jobs Tailored to Individual Follow-along continues as long as consumers want the assistance. Time-Unlimited Follow-Along
Planning and guidance to help clients make well-informed decisions regarding Social Security, Medicaid, and other entitlements. Benefits Counseling Coordinate SE plans and interventions with the whole treatment team. Integrated Treatment: SE & MH Community FT or PT jobs anyone can apply for that pays at least minimum wage. Competitive Employment
Ongoing evaluation and planning to identify strengths, needs, resources, and barriers to employment. Assessment & Planning Linkage to resources needed to support the person in employment such as Vocational Rehab., Workforce Development, or CM Services. Referral Process Supporting the job seeker to find quality competitive employment consistent with his or her skills, abilities, interests, and desires. Job Development Providing supplemental job training on or off the job site in partnership with the employer, coworkers, and the supported employee. Job Coaching Providing ongoing services needed by an individual to continue performing a job long term. Follow-Along
FunctionACT Team Leader: Direct Administrative Supervision Employment Program Supervisor: Supportive Supervision and Administrative Liaison Employment Specialist (ES): Direct Service *In order to be certified in Indiana, each ACT team must have at least one (1) FTE vocational specialist who works under a supported employment (SE) program operated by the agency under contract with the office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and is assigned to the ACT team full time. Role Definition Clearly defines the employment specialist role distinguishing it from case management duties. Defines ACT-SE philosophy: employment is recovery; recovery is employment. Engages the whole team in assisting the ES to help clients to find work. Defines employment specialist role regarding relationships with the employment services team, employers, VR, etc… Defines employment as business model as well as part of recovery. Emphasize the EBP’s for Supported Employment. Responsible for balancing roles between teams, employers, and VR and reports any problems with role definitions to the appropriate supervisor for help. Hiring practices Primarily responsible for hiring new ACT- ES(s). Utilizes the Employment Program Supervisor to assist in identifying and screening potential candidates. Provides feedback regarding potential candidates for ACT- ES. n/a
Outcomes Time Training Team
13 Supervision Training Team TimeOutcomes
Team Leader ACT basic training Stages of change Benefits training Overview of ES position Employment Specialist Employment-focused training Allow for time to shadow with other employment staff Assign a supported-employment mentor SE Supervisor/Manager Employment-focused training Overview of the ACT model 14 Ensures SE training for SE Specialist (SES) & for team by SES. Training Supervision
Team Leader Responsible for creating a team culture of “recovery = work” Monitors and redirects Team when interventions do not align with recovery philosophy (i.e., Team sets barriers to working, e.g., job-readiness-group requirement, too many symptoms or poor hygiene, etc.) Employment Specialist Encourages Team to assist clients in getting jobs Utilizes the Team’s resources and knowledge SE Supervisor/Manager Supports and assists the ACT Team with their resources and knowledge 15 Develops and promotes philosophy: “recovery=work” and no eligibility barriers to work. Team Supervision
Expectations are KEY 16 Develops and promotes philosophy: “recovery=work” and no eligibility barriers to work. Team
Team Leader Assists with structuring time Protects the time--80% rule of thumb (makes sure the Team understands) Employment Specialist Paces him/herself Structures his/her time SE Supervisor/Manager Works with the Team Leader to structure and protect time 17 Protects & helps structure SES' time: SE activities not CM. Time Supervision
Date Wk 1 6/23/08 Wk 2 6/30 Wk 3 7/7 Wk 4 7/14Wk 5 7/21 Assessment & Planning/ Referral Process Job Development Follow-Along Job Coaching Non-SE Case Management/ADL Medication Drops/Prompts Total Non-SE Activities % of Time Spent in SE34%46%62%63%56%
Employment Referral Date Name & Record # Assess- ment Date VR Referral VR Approval Job Development Job Placement Training/ School Employment Referral Date Name & Record #Assess- ment Date VR Referral VR Approval Job Development Job Placement Training/ School Contributed by Evette Blackman, Team Umoja 12 3
The SE Monitoring Forms helps you see the whole forest
The SE Flow Sheet helps you see the individual trees
Team Leader Establishes and monitors goals Employment Specialist Stages each individual Tracks days worked SE Supervisor/Manager Continually monitors employment outcomes for funding sources 24 Utilizes data to increase employment: sets goals; makes adjustments &/or reward team. Outcomes Supervision
Use your outcome data to lead your team and your clients.
“Supposed to be doing” “Actually doing” A “Commercial” for SE (with built-in repetition) Two Monitoring Forms One Flow Sheet The Gap
Employment Referral Date Name & Record # Assess- ment Date VR Referral VR Approval Job Development Job Placement Training/ School Employment Referral Date Name & Record #Assess- ment Date VR Referral VR Approval Job Development Job Placement Training/ School Contributed by Evette Blackman, Team Umoja 12 3
Now you can say: “It was shake ‘n bake, and I hayelped!”