M IXING B OWLS Combine ingredients in
P ASTRY B LENDER Used to cut fat into flour
G RATER Shred food into tiny pieces
K ITCHEN S HEARS Cut up dry foods and herbs
P EELER Removes the skin of fruits and vegetables
R UBBER S CRAPER Flexible top to remove foods from the sides of bowls
S ERRATED (B READ ) K NIFE Cut bread and soft foods
U TILITY K NIFE Knife used to make long shallow cuts
P ARING K NIFE Make small shallow cuts
R OLLING P IN Roll dough flat
S IFTER Adds air into flour and other dry ingredients
C UTTING B OARD Protects counters while cutting
C OLANDER Drains liquids from large amounts of ingredients
S TRAINER Drains liquids from small amounts of ingredients
W HISK Whip, beat, and mix
C AN O PENER Removes the lids of cans
D RY M EASURING C UPS Measuring dry ingredients 1 c. ½ c. 1/3 c. ¼ c.
M EASURING S POONS Measure anything smaller than ¼ cup 1 T. 1 t. ½ t. ¼ t.
L IQUID M EASURING C UP Measures all liquids
C USTARD C UP Holds premeasured ingredients
S PATULA Level off dry ingredients
S KILLET For pan and stir frying
T ONGS Pick up and turn over hot foods without piercing the skin
W OODEN S POON For stirring ingredients together
L ADLE For spooning up soups and stews
S AUCE P AN For boiling water and making soups
T URNER For turning over and flipping hot foods
J ELLY R OLL P AN /B AKING S HEET 4 sided baking sheet, prevents spills in the bottom of the oven
C OOKIE S HEET 2 sided baking sheet, easy to slide cookies off without breaking them
C AKE P AN Used to bake cakes in
P IE P LATE Used to bake pies
P IZZA P AN Used to bake pizzas on
M UFFIN P AN /T IN Used for baking muffins and cupcakes
C OOLING R ACK Used to cool baked and warm goods on