Holodomor Grade One
Holodomor H H is for heaven where God took all the children and grown—ups who died in Holodomor O O is for oats and wheat that was taken from the people in Ukraine so they couldn’t bake their break L L is for loaves of bread that people all over the world bake to remember the people in the Ukraine who died O O is for the ox who was taken away from the farmer in the Ukraine so he couldn’t plant his fields D D is for ‘Don’t Let Holodomor Ever Happen Again!’ O O is for onions and carrots and cabbages taken from the people of the Ukraine so they had nothing to eat M M is for milk that the children wanted but didn’t have when they were hungry O O is for open hearts in everyone in the world so no one has to be hungry again R R is for remembering the people who died in the Ukraine so Holodomor never happens again
A Prayer for Holodomor Lord, We hope and pray that people will not be hungry, And we ask you to help everyone remember Holodomor so it never happens again. Amen