The Center for Student Development Center for Student Development About the CSD The Center for Student Development provides leadership development opportunities, orientation programs, and promotes student involvement. In addition, the office provides service leadership through outreach programs utilizing a volunteer network comprised of student leaders. The Center for Student Development is located on the 1 st floor of the Student Union and can be reached by telephone at
Future Advisor and Organization Training Pilot spring 2014 risk management training Train the Trainer Separate advisor track from student track Multiple sessions offered Online Training Modules Half-day; conference sessions Disability Awareness and Resource Training
Risk Management Training Training-Based How-to (avoid, handle, and record incidents, situations) Determine next steps Proactive, Train the Trainer Member accountability QEP-focus Behavior-Focus Educate about information Person/people-centered
University Policies
Training Topics Possession and use of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs, including penalties that may be imposed for possession or use Hazing Sexual abuse and harassment Fire and other safety issues, including the possession and use of a firearm or other weapon or of an explosive device Travel to a destination outside the area in which the institution is located Behavior at parties and other events held by a student organization Disability Resource and Awareness Adoption of a risk management policy
University Policies Please review the following policies in the Student Handbook. Code of Conduct – pgs. 156 – 163 Alcohol & Drug Policy – pgs. 163 – 170 Hazing – pgs. 170 – 174 Sexual Harassment – pg. 174 – 175
Disability Resources and Awareness Think universal design If you have a disability that would result in the need for a reasonable accommodation to participate in this event, please contact the office of Disability Support Services at (940) or Student should provide flyer to DSS
Campus Resources Student Organizations Mailboxes Two weeks following the approval of all charter renewals and new organizations a mailbox will be designated for each successfully chartered organization. The mailboxes are alphabetized by the organization’s official name and located on the first floor of the Student Union across from the Center for Student Development. Programming 101 Who is involved in the program? What is the program for or about? What costs are involved in facilitating this program or event? When will this program or event take place? Where will the program or event be held? Why are you facilitating this program? How will you publicize and let people know the program and event are taking place?
Campus Resources Space Reservations There are many spaces that student organizations can reserve for programs or events. These spaces include classrooms, ballrooms, meeting rooms and even tables in common spaces of the Student Union. It is important to note that the reservation process for each building is different and some space reservations or rentals may have fees associated. Student Union Conference Services * Please ensure that you are planning your event MORE than 30 days before the proposed event date, as facility reservations and Large Event Forms are both due 30 days prior to the event
Campus Resources Publicity Before posters or flyers can be distributed or displayed on campus they MUST be approved and stamped by the Center for Student Development. **For organization publicity to be posted in University Housing facilities the organization must obtain the approval from University Housing. University Housing will not approve posting material that has not been first approved by the Center for Student Development. **
Melissa Carr (CSD Graphics; with the interactive advertising request form or to set up a meeting and write the form together.
Student Organization Frequently Reviewed Items Bank Accounts It is the responsibility of each student organization to provide, or seek out, financial support. Funding that is received and/or collected by the organization is not the responsibility of the University, rather that of the organization. Texas Woman’s University does not provide safe keeping or accounts for student organization funds. Organizations are permitted to open personal checking and saving accounts How to open an off-campus account Organizations must apply and receive a tax identification number from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by completing form SS-4. There is a difference between a tax identification number and a tax exempt number. A fee is incurred when applying for a tax exempt number; however a tax identification number is free; The IRS can be contacted at or Upon receiving a tax identification number and opening an account the student organization must report this information to the Center for Student Development;
Student Organization Frequently Reviewed Items How to open an off-campus account (continued) It is recommended that two signatures be required an each check to hold student leaders accountable for their organizational spending; Due to frequent officer transitions in collegiate student organizations it has been found to be beneficial for the Advisor to be very involved in the creation and maintenance of the organization’s account *Please remember that it is a university policy that chartered student organizations may NOT use “TWU” or “Texas Woman’s University” in their name, logo, on checks or checking account signature cards, or on applications or legal forms asking for an organization’s name. If TWU is part of your name right now, please take the appropriate measures to ensure that it is removed promptly.
Student Organization Frequently Reviewed Items Fundraising All student organizations are allowed to fundraise on or off-campus for philanthropies of their own organization needs. TWU does not allow any activity by individuals or student organizations which involve the selling or auctioning of services by individuals or student organizations. Any items sold by the Follett TWU Bookstore and ARAMARK Dining Services cannot be sold in the Student Union. All fundraising activities must be approved by either the Director or Assistant Director of the Center for Student Development. Organizations hosting bake sales must reserve the space in the Student Union through the Student Union office in room 209 and complete a Vendor Reservation form. All requests are received on a first come, first serve basis as only one bake sale per day will be permitted in the Student Union. Bake sales conducted in campus venues outside the Student Union should be scheduled through Conference Services, located in Hubbard Hall.
Student Organization Frequently Reviewed Items Donations and Solicitations To ensure that proper procedures are followed, student organizations should contact Caisha Murry in Center for Student Development before initiating any off-campus fundraising activities. Letters and lists of donors must be submitted to Caisha Murry in the Center for Student Development for approval.
Student Organization Frequently Reviewed Items Student Travel Students traveling to and from off-campus university organized and sponsored activities or events may travel by various modes of transportation. Each form of travel requires the students to follow common and mode-specific safety precautions as well as the student travel procedures of the university. All students are required to fill out a Liability Waiver Form when traveling off campus.
Student Organization Frequently Reviewed Items International Travel TWU student organizations traveling as a group outside of the United States must register with the Office of Distance Education at least 4 months prior to the trip. In addition, students will need to purchase applicable University liability and malpractice insurance and supply medical/contact information. TWU requires at least two University advisors/chaperones to accompany international travel. For more information, please contact the Office of Distance Education ( ; Stoddard Hall 313.)
The House of Representatives is a branch of the Student Government Association (SGA) at Texas Woman’s University. The House works as an intermediary between the University administration and all chartered and University sanctioned student organizations. The House of Representatives facilitates the charter renewal and registration process of student organizations at Texas Woman’s University. Through the House, student organizations have the opportunity to apply for student programming (SOPF) and leadership funds (SLDF)in the form of a reimbursement. House of Representatives Overview
House General Body Meeting Dates Every other Monday at 12:25pm in SU 207 September 16, 2013 September 30, 2013 October 14, 2013 (SU 113) October 28, 2013 November 11, 2013 November 25, 2013
Charter Renewal Process All TWU chartered and university-sanctioned student organizations must resubmit a charter every fall semester in order to be recognized as a fully-functioning organization. Failure to provide the information by the due date will result in the loss of chartered/sanctioned status at Texas Woman’s University. All charter renewals are due on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 via to Caisha Murry or at the Center for Student Development front desk.