SHARK TANK Million Dollar IDEA Sales Presentation
What is it? A Team Sales Presentation Pitching (3 members or less) Pitching a Million Dollar IDEA to the SHARKS (Investors) Using the 7 steps to the sale
Who are the SHARKS? Each class member will receive $20,000 to invest Class members will become Sharks by objecting to the product based on time, need, source, want, or price The Pitch with the most $ WINS!
How Do I Create the Presentation? 1.Pick a partner 2.Read rubric and project outline packet 3.Read Shark Tank Sales Presentation Script - The group must submit the Sales Presentation Script prior to presentation 1.Brainstorm Million Dollar IDEA 2.Complete Daily Assignment Worksheet Number 1 in packet
BRAINSTORMING…… Dev elop ing a prod uct or serv ice base d on nee d I wish they had… I hate to….. Develop product based on what you like to do Ex. Bake, Sports, Read, Video Games, Socialize Leisure Time Make an existing product better Existing Product
When is this project due? April 9th
How Much is This Worth? Sales Presentation Script 100 points Presentation 60 points Prototype 40 points Total: 200 points Any Questions?