Small Stars National Day
Background Small Stars growth performance is below expectation, we need to boost the sales.
Objective New Students
The Source of Growth External student
What we want to do… Create Small Stars National Day activity in EF Centers across Indonesia. Package the product with free City Wide Life Club event.
The Task.. Create umbrella campaign within a relevant topic, target market also relevant to the product.
Umbrella Campaign Explore the world with Small Stars! Reason to believe: 4-6 years old is a stage of physical and intellectual child’s development In this stage, they always wants to explore anything to get to know their world
Big Theme Explore the world with Small Stars! Show off your talent to the world! My first lessonTrial Class Radio talk show/ seminar package with parenting magazine City Wide LC Exploring the natural world (can be adjusted based on SS material) Small Stars National Day Learning English from the early stage-Featuring SS benefit related to exploring the kid’s world
Small Stars National Day Show Off Your Talent to The World! Singing Competition Drawing Competition Story Telling Kids & Parents fashion show My first lesson Trial Class Ps: activities can be adjusted by each centers, as long as it is inline with the theme/concept.
Small Stars Design Promo
Period Event and Venue 18 May 2014All EF Center
Small Stars National Day Promo Campaign Every student buy 1 Course will get free consultation + free City Wide Life Club + free Student Package IDR ; City Wide Life Club Package (1 student, 1 Parent, 1x Lunch, 1x meals & 4 games IDR ; for Student package
Small Stars National Day Promo Campaign Every student buy 1 Term will get free consultation + free City Wide Life Club IDR ; City Wide Life Club Package (1 student, 1 Parent, 1x Lunch, 1x meals & 4 games
Small Stars National Day Mechanism The ongoing SS Campaign is not only intended for parents who have register their kids in English First, but it is also intended for active kids to allow them expressing themselves freely. Greeting from DOS & Teacher & starting My First Lesson (Kids & Parents)
Mechanism Parents can wait outside the class room around 5 minutes once the kids are starting their first lesson. Parents will join another classroom to fully understand about EF Parents Academy (in order to give more information regarding to SS Special Promo Offer) And the Talents Competition will be held accordingly after EF Parents Academy. Parents will be provided with some snacks and they are allowed to take time to rest after their kids perform their talent. Judges will announce the winners.
Mechanism *Note : The Mechanism will be customized for each Center area, because each Center has specific IWB amount; one may have more than 1 IWB. Each Center must create several welcoming sessions for parents in to the class, because there are parents who are unable to come on time & we have to accomodate them in class room which its maximum limit is for 15 person in class.
Small Stars – Winner We are looking for 3 winners to get Medal from EF English First And Courses Discount Voucher The winner will have their photographs to be displayed at Student display wall. *Each center will develop the Medal & Discount Voucher
SS National Day – Raft Rundown Greeting from DOS, MC & Teacher My First Lesson Parents will join the IWB Classroom to have full understanding about EF Parents Academy & Announce Promo EF SS (Every student buy 1 Course will get free City Wide Life Club + free Student Package) Show of your talents Judges will announce the winners from 1 st session
Marketing Tools for Small Stars National Day Flyer, poster, banner School Visit, teacher workshop Social media: FB, Twitter Radio talk show/ seminar package with parenting magazine Invitation, parents letter Show off Your Talent to The World! Learning English from the early stage-Featuring SS benefit related to exploring the kid’s world
Small Stars National Day Radio Placement *Note : Jakarta Only
Radio Profile
Radio Promo Campaign
On Air Pre Event Talk show 1x On Friday Spot Promo Event, H-10, 3x/day Twitter Promo 2x/day – 10days Facebook Promo, 2x – 2 week Website Promo E-News Letter Live report 2x On Event Twitter & FB Promo Pre Event Post Event Insert testimony, 5x/day - 7 days Twiter & FB Promo promo
Live Event
Content Promo Insert Promo (3 minute) : H - 4 before SS Natinal Day Content : 3 version insert a. Insert : Voice recording from Kids “When I grow up, I want to be a famous drummer, I want to be an International Football Player, I want to be a famous singer ”(3 minute) – Announce about the event Closing tone : “World Leader in English Languange Education..” b. Interview by Phone : Talking about the event (3 minute) Small Stars Mommies’ Diary
Small Stars Budget Campaign (Off Air & Radio Promo) NoItem ProgramsFrequencyDayRatePackage 1.Yummy Mommy – Off Air & On Air 1x/ Day Rp Insert Promo2x/Day3 DaysRp Rp Spot Event2x/Day3 DaysRp Rp Voice over production1x SpotRp Voucher Talkshow - On Air 5 Person1Rp Rp Goody Bag Off Air30 Person1Rp Rp Voucher SS – Off Air5 Person1Rp Rp TOTALRp
Media Schedule Small Stars APRILMAY SatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunMonSatSun Talkshow On Air - One Day Small Stars Event x Gathering - Small Stars Off Air with U FM Radio x Spot Promo Gathering XX Live report X Insert testimoni XXX One Day Small Stars Event X Insert Event (3menit) Insert - Versi Anak 11 Insert - Versi Anak & Event 11 Insert - Interview byPhone 11 Spot Promo Off Air - City Wide Life X Social Media Promo
Small Stars Center Competition Center that sells SS the most with minimum 25 NS will get rewards 1st : 10mio 2nd: 8mio 3rd: 6mio 4th: 4mio5th: 2mio
Explore the Nature - Objective Kids of all ages need to be outside enjoying and being a part of the natural world that surrounds us. Washing the Buffalo Fishing Hurdle Bridge Plant Rice Safe, unstructured experiences are also effective ways for kids to explore and learn about the outdoors.
Period and Venue 25 May 2014Nature School Jakarta Kediri Medan Bali Bandung Cirebon Surabaya Solo Semarang Yogyakarta JemberMalang Sidoarjo Pekanbaru Palembang SamarindaMakassar Lampung Banjarmasin
Concept of Explore the Nature
Target & Areas NoAreaCenterTaget 1Jakarta Bandung4200 3Cirebon150 4Surabaya (6), Sidoarjo, Kediri, Jember, Malang Yogya, Solo, Semarang3150 6Bali2100 7Banjarmasin150 8Samarinda150 9Makassar150 10Medan150 11Palembang150 12Pekanbaru150 13Lampung150
Raft Rundown - CTWLC TimeRemarks 07.00Journey to the school of nature 08.00Students will be taught how to draw the nature 09.00Let’s Explore the Nature :Students will learn how to plant rice and breed poultries 10.00Washing the Buffalo 11.00Fishing 12:00Lunch 13.05Let sing the Jingle “Hello.. Hello…” 13:05Hurdle Bridge Time 14:30The Puppet Show 15:00Horta Dolls Time (Student create a Horta Dolls) 15:30Speech from DOS & go home
Citywide Life Club - Explore the Nature Radio PlacementConcept Event Support Marketing Promo materials Explore the Nature
The Support Talk show materials Design Promo EDM Social Media Promo & design Concept Event EF Central Banners, Poster, Flyes T-shirt Speakers (Teacher / DOS Provide Horta Dolls EF Center Provide
Thank you..