July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 1 Parallel solution of high-frequency Helmholtz equation using high- order finite difference schemes Dan Gordon Computer Science University of Haifa Rachel Gordon Aerospace Eng. Technion
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 2Outline Background on Helmholtz equation The CARP-CG parallel algorithm Comparative results using low- and high-order finite difference schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 3 The Helmholtz Equation Eqn: -Δu - k 2 u = g (k = "wave no.") c = speed of sound, f = frequency Wave length: = c/f = 2/k No. of grid pts per : N g = /h, h= mesh size Shifted Laplacian approach: –Bayliss, Goldstein & Turkel, 1983 –Erlangga, Vuik & Oosterlee, 2004/06 introduced imaginary shift: -Δu – ( i k 2 u = f
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 4 The Helmholtz Equation Some other approaches: –Elman, Ernst & O'Leary, 2001 –Plessix & Mulder, 2003 –Duff, Gratton, Pinel & Vasseeur, 2007 –Bollhöfer, Grote & Schenk, 2009 –Osei-Kuffuor & Saad, 2010 This work: hi-order schemes following –Singer & Turkel, 2006 –Erlangga & Turkel, 2011 (to appear)
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 5 Difficulties with Helmholtz High frequencies small diagonal 2 nd order schemes require many grid points/wavelength "Pollution effect": high frequency requires more than fixed number of grid points/wavelength (Babuška & Sauter, 2000) high-order schemes required
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 6 CARP: block-parallel Kaczmarz Given: Ax=b "Normal equations": AA T y=b, x=A T y Kaczmarz algorithm (1937) "KACZ" is SOR on normal equations Relaxation parameter of KACZ is the usual relax. par. of SOR Cyclic relax. par.: each eq. gets its own relax. par.
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 7 July 1, 2010Parallel solution of the Helmholtz equation7 KACZ: Geometric Description eq. 1 eq. 2 eq. 3 initial point
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 8 CARP: Component-Averaged Row Projections A block-parallel version of KACZ Equations divided into blocks (not necessarily disjoint) Initial estimate: vector x=(x 1,…,x n ) Suppose component x 1 appears in 3 blocks x 1 is “cloned” as y 1, z 1, t 1 in the different blocks. Perform a KACZ iteration on each block (independently, in parallel)
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 9 CARP – Explanation (cont) The internal iterations in each block produce 3 new values for the clones of x 1 : y 1 ’, z 1 ’, t 1 ’ The next iterative value of x 1 is x 1 ’ = (y 1 ’ + z 1 ’ + t 1 ’)/3 The next iterate is x’ = (x 1 ’,..., x n ’) Repeat iterations as needed for convergence
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 10 CARP as Domain Decomposition xx y domain A domain B external grid point of A clone of clone of x 1 Note: domains may overlap
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 11 Overview of CARP domain Adomain B KACZ iterations KACZ iterations averaging cloning KACZ in some superspace (with cyclic relaxation)
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 12 Convergence of CARP Averaging Lemma: the component- averaging operations of CARP are equivalent to KACZ row-projections in a certain superspace (with =1) CARP is equivalent to KACZ in the superspace, with cyclic relaxation parameters – known to converge
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 13 CARP Applications Elliptic PDEs w/large convection term result in stiff linear systems (large off-diagonal elements) –CARP very robust on such systems, compared to leading solver & preconditioner combinations –Downside: Not always efficient Electron tomography (ET) – joint work with J.-J. Fernández
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 14 CARP-CG: CG acceleration of CARP CARP is KACZ in some superspace (with cyclic relaxation parameters) Björck & Elfving (1979): developed CGMN, which is a (sequential) CG- acceleration of KACZ (double sweep, fixed relax. parameter) We extended this result to allow cyclic relaxation parameters Result: CARP-CG
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 15 CARP-CG: Properties Same robustness as CARP Very significant improvement in performance on stiff linear systems derived from elliptic PDEs Very competitive runtime compared to leading solver/preconditioner combinations on systems derived from convection-dominated PDEs Highly scalable on Helmholtz eqns
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 16 CARP-CG: Properties On one processor, CARP-CG is identical to CGMN Particularly useful on systems with LARGE off-diagonal elements –example: convection-dominated PDEs Discontinuous coefficients are handled without requiring domain decomposition (DD)
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 17 Robustness of CARP-CG KACZ inherently "normalizes" the eqns (eqn i is divided by ║ A i ║ 2 ) Normalization is generally useful for discontinuous coefficients After normalization, the diagonal elements of AA T are all 1, and strictly greater than the off-diagonal elements This is not diagonal dominance, but it makes the normal eqns manageable Also: when diag of A decreases, sum of off-diag of AA T decreases.
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 18 Experiments with Hi-Order Relax. par. = 1.5 for all problems 2 nd, 4 th & 6 th order central difference schemes, following –Singer & Turkel, 2006 –Erlangga & Turkel, 2011 Hi-order schemes 9-pt. stencil Complex eqns: separated real & imag., interleaved equations (following Day & Heroux, 2001)
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 19 Problem 1 (with analytic sol'n) Based on Erlangga & Turkel, 2011 Eqn: (Δ+k 2 )u = 0, on [-0.5,0.5] [0,1] bndry condition: Dirichlet on 3 sides: –u=0 for x=-0.5 and x=0.5 –u=cos(x) for y=0 –Sommerfeld: u y +iβu=0 for y=1, β 2 =k 2 - Analytic solution: u = cos(x)exp(-iβy) Grid points per : Ng = 9,12,15,18 Approx. 186,000 – 742,000 complex variables One processor k = 300
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 20 Prob. 1: rel-res for 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 21 Prob. 1: rel-err for 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 22 Prob. 1: rel-err for 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 23 Problem 2 (with analytic soln) Eqn: Δu + k 2 u = 0 Domain: [0,1][0,1] Analytic sol'n: u=sin(x)cos(βy), β 2 =k 2 - Dirichlet bndry cond determined by u on the boundaries Grid points per : Ng = 9 to 18 Approx. 186,000 – 742,000 real variables One processor k = 300 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 24 Prob. 2: rel-res for 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 25 Prob. 2: rel-err for 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 26 Prob. 2: rel-err, 6 th order, N g =9–18
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 27 Problem 3 (no analytic soln) Eqn: Δu + k 2 u = 0 Domain: [0,1] [0,1] Bndry cond on y=0: discontinuity at midpt.: u(0.5,0)=1, u(x,0) = 0 for x ≠ 0 other sides: 1st order absorbing Approx. 515,000 complex variables Grid points per : N g = 15 One processor k = 300 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 28 Problem 3: evaluating the error No analytic solution Run 6 th order scheme to rel-res= Saved result as “true” solution Compared results of 2 nd, 4 th and 6 th order schemes with the “true” solution
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 29 Prob. 3: rel-err for 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th order schemes
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 30 Parallel Performance, 1 to 16 Proc. # proc Prob Prob Prob No. iter for rel-res=10 -7, 6 th order, Ng=15, ~515,000 var.
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 31 Parallel Performance, 1 to 16 Proc. # proc rel-res= rel-res= Problem 3: time (s), 6 th order scheme, Ng=15, ~515,000 var. Times taken on a 12-node cluster, 2 quad proc. per node
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 32 Prob. 2 & 3: rel-res for 1 to 16 processors
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 33 Summary Hi-freq Helmholtz require hi-order schemes CARP-CG is applicable to hi-freq Helmholtz with hi-order schemes Parallel and simple General-purpose – for problems with large off-diagonal elements and discontinuous coefficients
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 34 Other Potential Applications Hi-order schemes for Helmholtz in homog & heterog 3D domains Maxwell equations Other physics equations Saddle-point problems Circuit problems Linear solver in some eigenvalue methods
July 2011 High-order schemes for high-frequency Helmholtz equation 35 Publications and Software CARP: SIAM J Sci Comp 2005 CGMN: ACM Trans Math Software 2008 Microscopy: J Parallel & Distr Comp 2008 Large convection + discont coef: CMES 2009 CARP-CG: Parallel Comp 2010 Normalization for discont coef: J Comp & Appl Math 2010 CARP-CG software: THANK YOU!