Examples of classification methods CSIT5210
Content KNN Decision Tree Naïve Bayesian Bayesian Belief Network Naïve Neural Network Multilayer Neural Network SVM
KNN Question: Assignment 1 Q1 Solution: 1)Understand the distance function: # of different attributes. The distance between tuple 2 and tuple 3: one attribute is the same and three attributes are different Dist(2,3) = |{Height(low!=med), Weight(med!=high), BloodPressure(med!=high)}| = 3
KNN 2) Calculate the Distance table. Training data Testing data Dist 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
KNN 3) For k=1 find the nearest 1 neighbor(choose the smaller id in ties), compare actual and prediction result. We choose the one with smaller id to break tie Dist 1(N) 2(Y) 3(Y) 4(Y) 5(N) 6(N) 7(N) 8(Y) 9(N) 10(Y) 11(Y==Y) 4 3 2 12(N==N) 1 13(Y==Y) 14(Y==Y) 15(N==N) 16(N!=Y) 17(N==N) 18(Y!=N) 19(Y==Y) 20(N==N) There are 2 errors in the the 10 test data(11-20), so the error rate is 2/10 = 0.2
KNN 4) For k=3 repeat the above procedure. Use the majority win rule to get prediction result. Dist 1(N) 2(Y) 3(Y) 4(Y) 5(N) 6(N) 7(N) 8(Y) 9(N) 10(Y) 11(Y==Y) 4 3 2 12(N==N) 1 13(Y==Y) 14(Y==Y) 15(N!=Y) 16(N!=Y) 17(N==N) 18(Y!=N) 19(Y!=N) 20(N==N) There are 4 errors, so the error rate is 4/10 = 0.4
Decision Tree Question: Assignment 1 Q2 Solution: There are 6 yes and 6 no in the training data. So: Info(D) = I(6,6) For all the 4 attributes, calculate the Information gained by branching on it: E.g. : If branching on the attribute “age”, the data will be split into: D(age=old) = {4 yes, 0 no } D(age=young) = {2 yes, 6 no} Infoage(D) = 8/12 * I(2,6) + 4/12 * I(4,0)
Decision Tree Age has the largest gain so we choose Age as the root. For the age=old branch, all decisions are yes, cannot split any more. For the age=young branch, repeat the gain calculation again.
Decision Tree Then we choose married for splitting. The remaining data is: Dmarried=yes = {4 approved=no} Dmarried=no = {2 approved=yes, 2 approved=no} We choose approved=yes for the branch married=no. Here is the final tree:
Decision Tree Age young old Yes Married no yes Yes No Apply the tree on the testing data: error rate = 4/6 = 0.667
Naive Bayesian Question: Assignment 1 Q3 Answer: In the training data, there are 6 approved=yes and 6 approved=no, so P(C1) = P(approved=yes) = 6/12 = 0.5 P(C2) = P(approved=no) = 6/12 = 0.5 For every attribute and class, compute P(X|Ci) P(Sex = “male” | C1) = 4/6 = 0.667 P(Sex = “female” | C1) = 2/6 = 0.333 P(Sex = “male” | C2) = 4/6 = 0.667 P(Sex = “female” | C2) = 2/6 = 0.333
Naive Bayesian P(Age = “old” | C1) = 4/6 = 0.667 P(Age = “young” | C1) = 2/6 = 0.333 P(Age = “old” | C2) = 0/6 = 0 P(Age = “young” | C2) = 6/6 = 1 P(Housing = “yes” | C1) = 1/6 = 0.167 P(Housing = “no” | C1) = 5/6 = 0.833 P(Housing = “yes” | C2) = 4/6 = 0.667 P(Housing = “no” | C2) = 2/6 = 0.333
Naive Bayesian P(Employed = “yes” | C1) = 4/6 = 0.667 P(Employed = “no” | C1) = 2/6 = 0.333 P(Employed = “yes” | C2) = 1/6 = 0.167 P(Employed = “no” | C2) = 5/6 = 0.833 For the first testing data: X1 = (Sex = “female”, Age = “young”, Housing = “yes”, Employed = “yes”) P(X1|C1) = 0.333×0.333×0.167×0.667 = 0.012 P(X1|C2) = 0.333×1×0.667×0.167 = 0.037 P(X1|C1) * P(C1) = 0.012 * 0,5 = 0.006 P(X1|C2) * P(C2) = 0.037 * 0,5 = 0.019 > P(X|C1) * P(C1) So X1 belongs to C2 (Approved=no)
Naive Bayesian For the remaining testing data, repeat the same procedure. So the error rate is 2/3 = 0.667 id sex age housing employed Approved(actual) prediction 13 female young yes no 14 male 15
Bayesian Network Question: Smoking is prohibited on High-Speed trains. If someone smokes, the alarm may sound, and also other passengers may report it to the police. If the police hear the alarm or get the report, he will, very possibly, come and arrest the smoker. This can be modeled in the following Bayes network:
Bayesian Network The alarm is not accurate enough, it ignores some smoking and sometimes sound for nothing. Not every passenger want to report smokers and some passengers make mistakes.(The alarm does not affect passengers.) Smoking S P(A=F) P(A=T) T 0.4 0.6 F 0.8 0.2 S P(R=F) P(R=T) T 0.6 0.4 F 0.9 0.1 Alarm Report A R P(P=T) P(P=F) T 0.8 0.2 F 0.6 0.4 0.01 0.99 Police comes The police comes if he believes there is someone smoking. They don’t trust the alarm very much and they may, rarely, patrol on the train.
Bayesian Network The alarm sounds: Passengers report: Police comes: Suppose the probability of someone smoking is 0.5, what is the probability of the police comes? Answer: P(S=T)=0.5 and P(S=F)=0.5, The alarm sounds: P(A) = P(A|S)*P(S) + P(A|¬S)*P(¬S) = 0.4 Passengers report: P(R) = P(R|S)*P(S) + P(R|¬S)*P(¬S) = 0.25 Police comes: P(P) = P(P|AR) * P(A) * P(R) + P(P|A¬R) * P(A) * P(¬R) + P(P|¬AR) * P(¬A) * P(R) + P(P|¬A¬R) * P(¬A) * P(¬R) = 0.08 + 0.12 + 0.09 + 0.0045 = 0.2945
Naïve Neural Network Question: Given a perceptron, the training samples are given in the table below. In addition, the initial weights are also given: W0=0.5, W1=0.4, W2=0.5. The learning rate α is 0.2. Please use the sample data as training data and update W0, W1, and W2.
Naïve Neural Network Answer: Step 2: Step 1: y = 0 = T1, so no need to change weights. Step 2: a = = -0.5 +0.4*0 + 0.5*1 = 0 y = 1 = T2, so no need to change weights.
Naïve Neural Network Step 3: Thus, y = 0 ≠ T3, ∆w0 = α (t-y) x0 = 0.2 * 1 * (-1) = -0.2 ∆w1 = α (t-y) x1 = 0.2 * 1 * 1 = 0.2 ∆w2 = α (t-y) x2 = 0.2 * 1 * 0 =0 Thus, w0 = w0 + ∆w0 =0.5 – 0.2 =0.3 w1 = w1 + ∆w1 = 0.4 + 0.2 = 0.6 w2 = w2 + ∆w2 = 0.5
Naïve Neural Network Step 4 So, the final weights are: Y = 1 = T4 , no need to change weights. So, the final weights are: w0 =0.3 w1 =0.6 w2 =0.5
Multilayer Neural Network Given the following neural network with initialized weights as in the picture(next page), we are trying to distinguish between nails and screws and an example of training tuples is as follows: T1{0.6, 0.1, nail} T2{0.2, 0.3, screw} Let the learning rate (l) be 0.1. Do the forward propagation of the signals in the network using T1 as input, then perform the back propagation of the error. Show the changes of the weights. Given the new updated weights with T1, use T2 as input, show whether the predication is correct or not.
Multilayer Neural Network
Multilayer Neural Network Answer: First, use T1 as input and then perform the back propagation. At Unit 3: a3 =x1w13 +x2w23+θ3 =0.14 o3 = = 0.535 Similarly, at Unit 4,5,6: a4 = 0.22, o4 = 0.555 a5 = 0.64, o5 = 0.655 a6 = 0.1345, o6 = 0.534
Multilayer Neural Network Now go back, perform the back propagation, starts at Unit 6: Err6 = o6 (1- o6) (t- o6) = 0.534 * (1-0.534)*(1-0.534) = 0.116 ∆w36 = (l) Err6 O3 = 0.1 * 0.116 * 0.535 = 0.0062 w36 = w36 + ∆w36 = -0.394 ∆w46 = (l) Err6 O4 = 0.1 * 0.116 * 0.555 = 0.0064 w46 = w46 + ∆w46 = 0.1064 ∆w56 = (l) Err6 O5 = 0.1 * 0.116 * 0.655 = 0.0076 w56 = w56 + ∆w56 = 0.6076 θ6 = θ6 + (l) Err6 = -0.1 + 0.1 * 0.116 = -0.0884
Multilayer Neural Network Continue back propagation: Error at Unit 3: Err3 = o3 (1- o3) (w36 Err6) = 0.535 * (1-0.535) * (-0.394*0.116) = -0. 0114 w13 = w13 + ∆w13 = w13 + (l) Err3X1 = 0.1 + 0.1*(-0.0114) * 0.6 = 0.09932 w23 = w23 + ∆w23 = w23 + (l) Err3X2 = -0.2 + 0.1*(-0.0114) * 0.1 = -0.2001154 θ3 = θ3 + (l) Err3 = 0.1 + 0.1 * (-0.0114) = 0.09886 Error at Unit 4: Err4 = o4 (1- o4) (w46 Err6) = 0.555 * (1-0.555) * (-0.1064*0.116) = 0.003 w14 = w14 + ∆w14 = w14 + (l) Err4X1 = 0 + 0.1*(-0.003) * 0.6 = 0.00018 w24 = w24 + ∆w24 = w24 + (l) Err4X2 = 0.2 + 0.1*(-0.003) * 0.1 = 0.20003 θ4 = θ4 + (l) Err4 = 0.2 + 0.1 * (0.003) = 0.2003 Error at Unit 5: Err5 = o5 (1- o5) (w56 Err6) = 0.655 * (1-0.655) * (-0. 6076*0.116) = 0.016 w15 = w15 + ∆w15 = w15 + (l) Err5X1 = 0.3 + 0.1* 0.016 * 0.6 = 0.30096 w25 = w25 + ∆w25 = w25 + (l) Err5X2 = -0.4 + 0.1*0.016 * 0.1 = -0.39984 θ5= θ5 + (l) Err5 = 0.5 + 0.1 * 0.016 = 0.5016
Multilayer Neural Network After T1, the updated values are as follows: Now, with the updated values, use T2 as input: At Unit 3: a3 = x1w13 + x2w23 + θ3 = 0.0586898 o3 = = 0.515
Multilayer Neural Network Similarly, a4 = 0.260345, o4 = 0.565 a5 = 0.441852, o5 = 0.6087 At Unit 6: a6 = x3w36 + x4w46 + x5w56 + θ6 = 0.13865 o6 = = 0.5348 Since O6 is closer to 1, so the prediction should be nail, different from given “screw”. So this predication is NOT correct.
SVM Consider the following data points. Please use SVM to train a classifier, and then classify these data points. Points with ai=1 means this point is support vector. For example, point 1 (1,2) is the support vector, but point 5 (5,9) is not the support vector. Training data: Testing data:
SVM Question: (a) Find the decision boundary, show detail calculation process. (b) Use the decision boundary you found to classify the Testing data. Show all calculation process in detail, including the intermediate result and the formula you used.
SVM Answer: a) As the picture shows, P1, P2, P3 are support vectors.
SVM Suppose w is (w1,w2). Since both P1(1,2) and P3(0,1) have y = 1, while P2(2,1) has y =-1: w1*1+w2*2+b = 1 w1*0+w2*1+b = 1 w1*2+w2*1+b =-1 w1= -1, w2 = 1, b = 0 then, the decision boundary is: w1 * x1+w2 * x2 + b =0 -x1+x2 = 0 Showed in the picture next page.
SVM b) Use the decision boundary to classify the testing data: For the point P9 (2,5) -x1+x2 = -2+5 = 3 >= 1 So we choose y = 1 For the point P10 (7,2) -x1+x2 = -7+2 = -5 <= -1 So we choose y = -1 Showed in the picture next page.