₮Follow the players and processes ₮Talk about Urgent requests ₮Talk about linked leave/Sub Records ₮Tricks/challenges in Sub Records that already exist ₮Balancing and EIS How to manage PAY.408 adjustments ₮Re-affirm participation in adding/editing/deleting ₮I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that it won’t work. – Thomas Edison
Sub Record Payroll 1.Absence details and Banks 2.Sub/Casual Pay Sub Desk (HR & PAY) Corrections SUB.001 SUB.002 *Payroll cutoff date * Leave adjusted ? * Delete SUB record CANcels tight Leave SFE & AESOP Interactive Errors = OTSIUPE OAESUPL * Payroll cutoff date * Initial ADD (prior to leaves) * Different the SUB or Leave * Cancellations DELETE tight Sub record and CANcels tight leave Tightly Linked SUB has record SFE/AESOP# School Entry and Corrections Admin Connect Loosely linked to matching Leave *New theory: Schools watch leaves now NOT sub records EIS.564 – run weekly for entire fiscal year SUB.987 – run weekly for period SUBNOTHIST Leave Record Work Shop Record EC & AC Connect Leave Entry EC & AC Connect Leave Entry 48 Hours Nightly Job Todays Approved Leaves build Sub records Error&Warn Tightly Linked SUB has record Leave# Tightly Linked SUB has record Leave# * CANCEL leave does NOT adjust SUB record. CANCELs should be done by SUBdesk and initiated from the SUB record EC & AC Connect Work Shop Entry Nightly Job Todays Approved Work Shops build Leave full report *ERR ABS Time > 500 *ERR ABS Rec Exists *ERR Bad Date (Calendar) *ERR Abs Fnd Dif Time *WARN Old Abs Date *WARN Abs < 3 days *WARN Matching abs **These reports typically ignored - NOT GOOD**
₮*New* Auto Build Leave Request from Approved Workshops (Nightly Job) **example** ₮Auto Build Sub Records from Approved Leaves (Nightly Job) ₮Allow preferred sub to be indicated (with XSUBC completion type) that builds into sub record as actual Sub/Cas ₮If date/time comment includes the word “weekend” then doesn’t validate dates against calendar ₮POS.216 to decide who gets the message and reports
₮Leave is requested date = today or tomorrow ₮Sub Record is built immediately and is visible to all (sub/cas placement).. employee cannot change the request as the wheels are in motion ₮PAY.114 = ‘A’ then no approval necessary (eg: SICK) ₮else admin will still see it to approve the leave ₮PAY.114 = ‘A’ then no approval necessary (eg: SICK) Sub Record is built immediately and visible to all.. employee cannot change the request ₮PAY.114 not ‘A’ then follows normal leave approval & nightly job ₮Nightly report may *WARN abs exists
₮All adjustments to absences should be handled in just one place = Sub Desk.. Is the only one that can EFFICIENTLY handle the whole job ₮Previous Fiscal Year = Timecard Adjust only, option to leave the sub record and leave request as they are ₮‘D’elete the Sub Record And Notice Linked leave means auto- cancel or XSUB ₮ Sub (PAY.120 message code ZSB) at time of delete ₮CAREFUL if this is a workshop change/cancellation (Workshop session covers this)
₮Employee should create a new leave. NOTE from last release.. Anytime you are in a leave to approve it indicates last leave of this type.. This should help to easily identify this is an extension = consider adding a type to mark these (for reporting) ₮Just take care of the Sub records = ‘D’elete and it will add an XSUB to the leave record indicating there has been partial deletes.
₮Use a ‘P’ in Sub records to handle the change ₮Update to appropriate AM/PM/BO ₮Adjust time absent ₮Adjust time worked for Sub ₮Currently you need to adjust the leave as well or it will report on EIS.564 ₮Should we mark the SUB record status with a predefined ADJUST STATUS which will ignore the mis-match on EIS.564?
₮Note: This is not an issue or applies to multiple locations ₮“P” the initial sub record and add in the sub and/or adjust the quantity worked to.5 ₮“A”dd a new sub record for the remaining.5 day for the sub/toc but do not attach the employee
₮Utilize the PAY.114 Bill Info X-exclude, Y-required else blank ₮EIS.538 reporting ₮SUB.993 From the built SUB records can also be used for billing specific absence code(s) and/or reason(s)
₮How often is this report being done ? ₮Is this a Payroll or H/R function? ₮Do you auto employees with missing information ? ₮Run from a certain date or from beginning of year always ₮Should be less adjustments PAY.408 ₮Using the Adjust Status in Sub Record to exclude from report … anybody using? ₮Errors for school days off (EA VAC or No Class days) where Sub Records are added direct ₮ consider EIS.916 ₮OR … if staff selects to take work or not.. Use leave to automate!