High Availability for IBM Power i
Settings -Settings centralized on SOURCE system -The environment contains everything needed for the settings and for the replications follow-up Replication -SIP, Sequence Integrity Processing: unique engine to process all journal entries -CCI, Core Cycle Information: synchronous replication loop, with real time acknowledgements -Automatic journaling management Quick-EDD/HA concepts
Controls and Synchronization -EDC : Synchronization by comparison; only differences are sent to the target system -Linked to replication acknowledgements -Activated by IOA: Independent Object Audit Jobs Follow-Up (JFP) -Replication of jobs information (status, detail of SBMJOB), mandatory in case of fail-over Smart Remote Staging (SRS) -Pause of the replications, thanks to temporary storage of the journal entries on target system: continuous data protection, for example during backup made on the target system, instead of the production one Quick-EDD/HA Concepts
Tools - External audit, control and supervision tools - Sources of programs are available to adapt to different systems Supervision GUI - Light client to monitor at a glance Quick-EDD/HA on all your systems and partitions Switch -Switch scenarios allow a simple and efficient adaptation to all sites and contexts -Management of Switch-over / Fail-over / Return on production system / Systems migrations Quick-EDD/HA Concepts
Settings The « Environment » Object -One single object to describe the entire perimeter -Settings manage the 5 system domains - User libraries (including QGPL, QUSRSYS, …) - System objects (Profiles, authorization lists, configuration …) - IFS, including QDLS - Spools files - System values -Following your selections, Quick-EDD/HA will automatically analyze your applications in order to build the objects list and the list of journals which are necessary for the replication -The environment is automatically replicated on the target system in order to access the information in case of switch Settings are done only on SOURCE system
Settings Target system description Access to the selections in each domain Journals management rules Replication general parameters
Journaling Any journaling organization is supported Unlimited number of journals Quick-EDD/HA can manage the start of journaling for applications which don’t have journals already Support of all journaling functions MINENTDTA Journal Cache and *STANDBY mode (SS1 Option 42) Before image – Commit/Roll-back Receivers management can be entirely done by Quick-EDD/HA - for different external needs, receivers can be totally or partially managed by other processes « Not wished » journals entries can be ignored by the reading process to avoid communications overload
Journaling Journals management rules Receivers detachment options Receivers deletion options Cache management if activated
Replication Quick-EDD/HA fits any kind of organization -Without restrictions regarding the number of journals -Without restrictions regarding the place of the objects (journals, PF/LF, …) A unique engine to guarantee the sequence: SIP -All the journals are simultaneously handled to guarantee the operations sequence -Audit journal events are integrated in the same process Synchronous communications: CCI -Source system is informed in real time -All the events are acknowledged in real time
SIP – Sequence Integrity Processing Rebuild of the operations sequence before sending Simultaneous reading of all the journals of the perimeter DB / IFS / Audit events are all integrated at the same level
CCI – Core Cycle Information Detection from the journal Sending on TARGET system Direct application on TARGET object Real-time acknowledgement SOURCE system is always informed about the replications status
Real time acknowledgement Synchro An acknowledgement validates any replication operation -Any replicated event is acknowledged in real time. The SOURCE system manages the whole process. -In case of negative acknowledgement, AUTOMATIC EXECUTION of the object synchronization is made for an immediate repair of the abnormality. Unique synchronization function -EDC module allows to compare two objects to detect the differences. Only these differences are sent on the network to protect the bandwidth -The synchronization does not use the SAV / RST function to avoid any locking of object on the source system -Once synchronized, the object comes back in the replication loop
IOA - Independent Object Audit IOA function monitors the TARGET system -Scheduled or on demand control of all or a part of perimeter objects -Check of the objects presence and correspondence (for the 5 domains of the system) Dynamic repair of the differences -Each difference detected by IOA function triggers immediately a synchronization to repair the object – no manual action is required. -A spool file report is created after each execution
Synchronization EDC and IOA JRN ERR Instant synchronization by comparison and sending of the differences only EDC IOA Diff ? Replication errors, such as permanent controls, call the synchronization module for every noticed abnormality. The abnormality is repaired in real time
Jobs Follow-up and management during a Fail-Over What happened on production at the moment of the failure? What Jobs were active? What Jobs were in JOBQ ? Unique and mandatory function for HA JFP Track Production Job status Help for decision in case of Fail-over Job submission in their corresponding JOBQ Jobs Follow-up Submission function to get an immediate start of the target system
SRS ACTIVATED Journal entries are stored in a dedicated space. Temporary halting acknowledgement back to production. Target system Data can be used for backups, queries… *I/O Synchronous Mode *NO I/O SRS Active Synchronous Mode Regular process and direct apply of the update on the target system SRS Staging on the target system Automated or On Demand Apply Operations on the target system are easier (Query, backup …) On Demand Applying process Smart Remote Staging
Tools Tools which offer additional functions : - Control functions - Objects, data, perimeter control - Supervision of the replication process - Monitoring functions - Interception of all severe messages (gravity > 30) - Sending by ; SNMP; MSGQ – JOBLOG is attached - Specific objects saves - Scheduler, NetServer, TCP/IP, RDB entries, … - WRKDIRE, Distribution list, … For a total adaptation, all tools are delivered with source files.
Network data System data Tools: Sample Specific objects save
1 to 4 recipients SMTP server used for s routing Tools: Sample Options to monitor messages
Ease of use – GUI - General Information GUI monitoring Monitor all servers/lpar’s on a single screen Auto refresh and access to all environments Active? Latency? In Sync? 5 mn a day!
Switch Quick-EDD/HA switch -Only one function to perform Quick-EDD/HA role-swap, for the switch and for the return on production system. -Transparent management of the journaling, triggers, constraints and identity fields -In case of fail-over: Automatic management of the « commit/rollback » transactions, jobs follow-up, stored journal entries Adapted tools -Switch scenarios allowing to adapt to all contexts -Switch over and switch back of specific objects
Switch PMEDHSWI command Environment role-swap RCV SND to prepare replication from former target to former production system Creation of new journals receivers – positionning in the environment to give the replication starting point Audit and journaling control – start if necessary Triggers and constraints activation Identity fields management
Switch Switch Scenarios Each step is defined in an independent scenario Free commands script for a better adaptation to all sites Scenario can be executed in batch, interactive or step by step mode