Food: Don’t translate, just eat! The European Union promotes and protects names of quality agricultural products and foodstuffs: European UnionEuropean Union 1. Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), 1. Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), 2. Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), 3. Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG). 3. Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG).
BULGARIA The climate in Bulgaria is very temperate and thus ideal for the cultivation of a huge variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs. This allows a particular diversity in the Bulgarian cuisine. Salad served with every meal and cold and hot soups are typical of this south-eastern European country. Bulgaria has a diversity of dairy products, including Kiselo mliako (a yogurt), white brined cheese and also a variety of wines and other local alcoholic drinks, such as Rakia, Mastika and Menta.
Cold soup Tarator Cold soup Tarator
ESTONIA Traditional Estonian cuisine has substantially been based on meat and potatoes, and on fish in coastal and lakeside areas, but now bears influence from many other cuisines (Scandinavian, German, Russian). The most typical foods in Estonia have been rye bread, pork, potatoes and dairy products. Estonian eating habits have historically been closely linked to the seasons. In terms of staples, Estonia belongs firmly to the beer, vodka, rye bread and pork "belt" of Europe. meatpotatoesfishScandinavianGermanRussianrye breadporkdairy productsbeervodkameatpotatoesfishScandinavianGermanRussianrye breadporkdairy productsbeervodka
Potato piggies (Estonian:Kartulipõrsad) Estonian
GREECE Greece has been a cross roads of people and civilisations and this together with the climate has shaped the Greek cuisine. Many names of Greek dishes reveal Turkish, Arabic or Persian sources, such as Moussaka, Baklava, Tzatziki or Keftethes. The traditional Greek diet is generally considered to be healthy. Fruit, vegetables and cereals are consumed in large amounts. Olive oil is used with most meals. Fish and seafood are consumed frequently, as well as meat, predominantly lamb, goat or pork. Wine is an important part of the Greek lifestyle, Dairy products are usually consumed in the form of cheese and yogurts; feta cheese is a world famous traditional Greek food.
ITALY Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of social and political changes. Italian cuisine is noted for its regional diversity, abundance of difference in taste, and is known to be one of the most popular in the world,with influences abroad. Italian cuisine is characterized by its simplicity, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients. Italian cooks rely on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation. In 2013 Italian cuisine was ranked by CNN as the best cuisine in the world. Cheese and wine are a major part of the cuisine. Coffee, specifically espresso, has become important in Italian cuisine. CNNwineCoffeeespressoCNNwineCoffeeespresso
POLAND Polish cuisine has evolved over the centuries to become very eclectic due to Poland's history. Polish cuisine shares many similarities with other Central European cuisines (German, Austrian and Hungarian). It is rich in meat, especially pork, chicken and beef (depending on the region) and winter vegetables (cabbage in the dish bigos), and spices.It is also characteristic in its use of various kinds of noodles (like kluski) as well as cereals such as kasha. Generally speaking, Polish cuisine is heavy and uses a lot of cream and eggs. The traditional dishes are often demanding in preparation. Many Poles allow themselves a generous amount of time to serve and enjoy their festive meals, especially Christmas eve dinner (Wigilia) or Easter breakfast. Central European cuisinesGermanAustrianHungarianbigosnoodles kluskicerealskashaChristmas eveWigiliaEasterCentral European cuisinesGermanAustrianHungarianbigosnoodles kluskicerealskashaChristmas eveWigiliaEaster
SPAIN Spanish cuisine has experienced many influences over the centuries. Many invaders came to Spain including Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs. The Spanish traditional cuisine is full of typically Mediterranean ingredients such as olive oil, tomatoes and a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes. In Spanish cuisine, meat plays an important role. The types of meat consumed vary depending on local farming and regional traditions, but the most commonly consumed meats are chicken, pork, lamb and veal. Fish and seafood are also regularly eaten in many parts of Spain. The most popular flavouring in Spain is garlic. Tapas, little snacks in between or before a meal, are typical of Spain and are very popular in many countries of the world.
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