Colby Ferguson - Ag Business Development Specialist Setting the Stage Where We’re Headed
Consumption versus Production Montgomery & Frederick County Mont. Co. Consumption2007 Census Blueberries535,129 lbs89.19 acres 89 acres total Strawberries924,676 gallons acres Lettuce16,565,272 lbs1, acres 456 acres total Tomatoes30,663,941 lbs2, acres Potatoes38,069,094 lbs1, acres Sweet Corn6,962,210 lbs1, acres Squash1,817,485 lbs acres Apples25,557,705 lbs acres 241 acres Peaches4,097,836 lbs acres Milk108,121,976 lbs5,149 cows703 cows Chicken31,863,568 lbs6,779,483 birds200 birds Beef36,933,101 lbs47,350 cattle1,955 cattle Pork24,268,497 lbs121,342 hogs208 hogs Lamb432,079 lbs6,647 lambs359 lambs Fred. Co. Consumption2007 Census Blueberries129,184 lbs21.53 acres 53 acres total Strawberries223,224 gallons acres Lettuce3,995,404 lbs acres 533 acres total Tomatoes7,402,497 lbs acres Potatoes9,190,155 lbs acres Sweet Corn1,680,728 lbs acres Squash438,754 lbs37.18 acres Apples6,169,815 lbs184 acres 314 acres Peaches989,247 lbs103 acres Milk26,101,429 lbs1,244 cows15,549 cows Chicken7,692,096 lbs1,636,616 birds2,048 birds Beef8,915,918 lbs11,431 cattle20,496 cattle Pork5,858,591 lbs29,293 hogs12,493 hogs Lamb104,607 lbs1,605 lambs1,275 lambs
Cover Crops
The Eastern Shore Change
Where Are We Headed? How can government help farmers when making business decisions? What can we do to improve the regional significance of our Ag Industry? If the poultry industry was to leave the Chesapeake Bay region, what would happen to the grain industry here and where would our region get their poultry? Under the current Farm Bill, the average American consumer spends $0.19 of every $1.00 of gross income on food, what will it be under the next Farm Bill? Seeing the farmer’s continued stewardship of the land, how do we move the emphasis of the bay clean-up from the farmer to where the real problem lies?