Metabolism Lectures Outline: Part I: Fermentations (Monday) Part II: Respiration (Wednesday) Part III: Metabolic Diversity (Friday) Learning objectives are: Learn about anaerobic respiratory metabolisms. How can an inorganic compound be use as an energy source.
Bacteria and Archaea
Agrobacterium species Alphaproteobacteria Gram negative rods Common in soil especially the root zone of plants Some are plant pathogens –A. tumefaciens causes crown galls or plant tumors –Only if A. tumefaciens has the Ti (tumor inducing) plasmid. Elements of Ti have been engineered to generate transgeneic plants using.
Neisseria species Betaproteobacteria Gram negative, diplococcal Aerobic Most nonmotile N. gonorrhoeae –VD N. meningitidis –Spinal meningitis Other Neisseria spp. are present in respiratory tract of animals. –Most rarely cause disease. Cultivate on chocolate-blood agar with 3-10% CO 2
Pseudomonas species Gram negative, (Gammaproteobact.) Mostly obligate aerobes –Some can respire nitrate. Present in soil, water, plant surfaces Some can degrade pollutants –TNT for example Produce secondary metabolites –siderophores or iron binding molecules Some produce pigments: –Pyocyanin in P. aeruginosa Some fluoresce: –P. fluorescence From:
Sulfate reducing bacteria Deltaproteobacteria Desulfovibrio speices Strict anaerobes Generate energy by respiration of sulfur compounds Some can use H 2 for energy Many use lactate, acetate, and/or ethanol as carbon and energy sources. Abundant in anaerobic aquatic environments where sulfate is high –Seawater Also abundant in anaerobic environments with lots of decomposing organic matter
Campylobacter jejuni Gram -, (Epsilonproteobact.) Microaerophile Most prevalent food-borne pathogen in US –Under cooked poultry, pork, shellfish Prevalence of contamination: –90% turkeys –32% hogs –89% chickens
Streptococcus Gram positive, Firmicutes Pathogenic and non-pathogenic kinds Non-pathogenic: –S. lactis common dairy organism Oral Streptococcus –S. salivarius and mutans –Grow on sugars in the mouth Pathogenic: –S. pyogenes: strains with hemolysins can cause scarlet fever –S. pneumoniae: strains with capsules can cause disease. –Some are “flesh eating”
Bacteroides Rod shap, Gram Negative Strict anaerobe Dominant microbe in human feces per gram Purely fermentative organisms Normally commensal Most anaerobic infections are Bacteroides species. Big problem in GI tract surgeries from:
Pyrococcus “fireballs” furiosus Anaerobic, Crenarchaea Stetter isolated these from a solfatara field in Vulcano Italy (1986). Uses proteins, starch, sugars, maltose as electron donors for S 0 reductions Also ferments sugars to H 2 and CO 2 Growth temps: –70-106˚C –100˚C is optimum
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans Gamma proteobacteria 4 Fe(II) + 4 H + + O 2 −−> 4 Fe(III) + 2 H 2 O Fe(II) is stable at acidic pH –Does not get oxidized in the presence of O 2 T. ferrooxidans tolerates: – pH ~2.5 –It’s an acidiphile Can be found in acidic mine waters. Add water to pyrite: – FeS 2 −> Fe(III) + H 2 SO 4 –That’s sulfuric acid
Iron mats made by iron oxidizing bacteria
Anoxic photosynthetic iron(II) oxidizing bacteria NO 3 − -dependent Fe(II)-oxidizer (Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1) Phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizer (R. ferrooxidans strain SW2) O2O2 Fe 2+ 1 μm Photos by Professor Andreas Kappler
Fe-mineral coating 2 layers
Phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizer Chlorobium ferrooxidans strain KoFox (co-culture with Geospirillum strain) Encrusted Geospirillum strain KoFox cells How can they avoid encrustation?