Sam McIvor – CEO – NZPork RMNZ Conference 2011 Making a silk purse out of a pig’s ear Pork industry update – March 2011
Menu – it’s a smorgasbord Welfare – where are we at Encouraging excellence Building other attributes Communicating with consumers What lies ahead?
PigCare Audit Introduced in Jan 2010 Massey University developed, internationally peer reviewed, AsureQuality administered Supported by all wholesalers (95% plus pigs) a world first Second round of audits commencing
Supported by on-pack labelling
Welfare the next five years A commitment to continuous improvement 2010 PigCare Audit world-first 2011 New sow and piglet management research CRC 2016 Pregnancy stalls phased out Compliance MOU with MAF ProHand training AgITO courses 2012 Only 4 weeks pregnancy in stalls Annual PigCare Audit Pigs Animal Welfare (Pigs) Code of Welfare 2010 A code of welfare issued under the Animal Welfare Act December Best practice sow housing, R&D and seminars Farmer workshops
NZ pork industry – environmental leaders A commitment to continuous improvement NZ’s most environmentally sustainably produced meat Adaption of OVERSEER for pig manure Environmental Management System (EMS) online tool Enviropork 2005 Guide to managing environmental impacts Waste to wealth – the potential for biogas Feasibility of biogas systems Reducing piggery waste impacts with improved mgt Greenhouse gas emissions assessment Environmental stewards Lifecycle Analysis
And the rewards are coming
Other attributes Hormone free Tenderness guaranteed Taste consistency Minimal antibiotics Nutrition attributes – Australian Pork CRC Weight loss, Type 2 diabetes It’s all about developing a compelling case for pork – in particular NZ pork
Confidence to cook
It’s all available here
Advertising in 2011
100% NZ Bacon Competition ham In 2011 we’re pigging out on ham too
What else is on the agenda for farmers Grain costs escalating – up to $100/t $10/t requires another 5c/kg on the schedule We need to work together on this one
The final cut
The final word – get some Kiwi in ya