Russian Cuisine Christopher Harrison Russian 1101 November
Early Cuisine Early Russian Cuisine consisted of such items as: Large cuts of prepared meats An Abundance of pies Piroghi Pirozhki Kulebiake Bliny (Still popular today) A wide variety of soups A Large use of fruit preservers
Early Cuisine-Introduction of Trade Kasha-(Very Popular today) “Introduced by Byzantine Empire. Rice Noodles, Dumplings, and Smoked Sturgeon-”Introduced by Mongols Tea-(National Nonalcoholic drink)
Influence of Peter the Great on Cuisine Trade under Peter the Great brought the influence of German, Dutch, and French Foods. They include: Salads Sauces Smaller cuts of prepared meat Open Sandwiches Deserts Cauliflower and Lettuce.
Early Cooking Methods Most cooked meals were prepared using a large wood-burning stove which did not have top- burners. These ovens were also used as the main source of heat for homes Most meals were usually stewed or baked. Cooking times were usually not recorded or used. “Just cook till done” European stove that included top burners were implemented under Peter the Great.
Traditional Food Ceremonies Zakuski or Hors d’Oeurvre (also called zaiedki) Means Pre-meal food course Consists of a table organized with such foods as: Plain and Flavored Vodka Pickles Ham Smoked Salmon or Sturgeon Caviar Marinated Mushrooms Brined Apples tossed with cranberries
Food Ceremonies-Zakuski Cont. These Zakuski are arranged on a decorated table, and served buffet style while the main course is being prepared.
Traditional Food Ceremonies-cont. Samovar-”Russian Tea Party” Tea was introduced by trade with China in the 18 th century. Along with the tea came the samovar urn. The samovar, which means “the thing that cooks by itself”, came with the introduction of tea.
Food Ceremonies-Samovar cont. Tea is usually served for: Unexpected guests Parties Refreshment in cold weather And to simply warm the body Items served with tea include: Piroghi-large pie Pirozhki-small pie Prianiki-honey cake Or Homemade Preserves
Popular Foods Fish Sturgeon Salmon Whiting Cod Bream Carp Perch Caviar
Popular Foods Meats Pork Suckling Pig Fowl Goose-Roasted Duck-Roasted Beef Roast Beef Beef Stroganoff
Popular Foods Bread Most popular Food, Served with most meals Types of Bread: White-Made with Wheat Black, brown of Dark- made with Rye
Popular Foods Bliny or “Blinchiki” Thin Pancakes Served with various toppings Sour Cream Butter Preservers Served Year Round Mainly during Maslenitsa or “Butterweek”
Other Popular Drinks Vodka Usually 80 proof (40 to 45 percent alcohol) Usually drank straight, not mixed Smirnoff (Type of Vodka) Drank while eating Caviar Rotgut or “Samogon” Home made brew