The Whaling Regime
Whaling Whale Products: – oil – whalebone and baleen – meat Whaling History – Vikings and Basques – 18th century: US and Britain largest whaling fleets – Early 20 th century: tragedy of the commons
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (1946) – -“to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry…” Established the IWC -whaling and non-whaling states can be members; -15 member states until about the 1970s -Schedule: regulates global catch quotas; length of whaling season; partial moratoriums. - 3/4 majority to amend the Schedule -members can lodge and objection to amendments in the Schedule and thereby not be bound by these amendments
Effect of IWC
From Management to Conservation Depleted whale stocks US, New Zeeland stopped whaling NGO campaign against whaling 1972: Call for moratorium on commercial whaling
US Unilateralism The Pelly Amendment to the Fishermen’s Protective Act (1971) - Import restrictions on international fishing operations which diminish the effectiveness of an international fishery conservation program – Secretary of Commerce certifies that a state is diminishing the effectiveness of the IWC 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act Peru, Chile, South Korea, and Taiwan: Non IWC members certified under the Pelly amendment
US Multilateralism Increase IWC participation of whaling states close to the US: Peru, Chile, South Korea, Taiwan.. Increase IWC participation of non-whaling states: Seychelles, Antigua and Barbuda; Oman, Kenya, Egypt… Convert pro-whaling states: Argentina, Uruguay, Australia…
Commercial Whaling Moratorium Adopted in 1982;in effect since ; Japan, Peru, Norway, Russia objected All but Norway withdrew objection Iceland left IWC in 1993 Aboriginal whaling allowed: US (45), Russia (170), Greenland (127), St. Vincent & Grenadines(3)
What factors facilitated the adoption of the commercial whaling moratorium?
Norway Objected the Moratorium 1987-temporary halt on commercial whaling; Research to assess NE Atlantic minke whale stock (approx. 86,700 animals). IWC Scientific Committee confirmed Minke whales can be harvested sustainably; Certified under Pelly Amendment (4 times) Resumed whaling 1993 – 549 northern minkes 2001; – 674 northern minkes 2002;
Iceland Withdrew in 1992, but did not whale since Back in the IWC in 2001 Entered objection to the moratorium State intent to resume whaling in 2006
Japan Hunts whales for scientific purposes – 400 minke annually in the Antarctic; some endangered whales (e.g. 50 sei whales) Sells meat on the market
Estimates of Whale Stock
Future of the Moratorium? Irish proposal (1998) – allow whaling only in exclusive economic zones (not in deep ocean); only for domestic consumption 2003 IWC resolution: 25:20 for conservation and against lifting the ban 2005 meeting of parties: resolution to continue discussions about a Revised Management Scheme
Allow Limited Commercial Whaling? "We Japanese have a right to eat whatever we want. What would you do if we told New Zealanders. 'No More Sunday Lamb Roast Meat'?" You wouldn't like it would you? " Japanese pro-whaling campaign "Small pacific nations shouldn't be turning their back on the potentially lucrative whale trade, they should embrace the opportunity with both arms." Michael Moore, former Head of WTO
Do realist or institutionalist theories provide a more convincing account of this regulation?
Is the Whaling Regime Successful?