Team 4: The Beancounters Kyle Haver Shicheng Guo Ethan Price Wesley Tso PATENT LIABILITY
Roasts coffee beans Circulates hot air to roast and spin the beans Uses fan to cool the beans Monitors the beans with sensors Temperature Color Noise OUR ROASTER DESIGN
Similarities Roasts coffee beans with hot air Monitors temperature with thermometer Key differences Only monitors temperature Does not adjust heater temperature Air is only used to heat the beans and not move them US : COFFEE ROASTER
Filing Date: Similarities Monitors temperature of beans Fully automated roast Key Differences Roasting drum rotates Uses halogen, ceramic, and sheath heaters Uses suction to eliminate smoke US B2: COFFEE ROASTER AND CONTROLLING METHOD OF SAME
Filing Date: Similarities Roasts beans by circulating hot air Uses air circulation to cool beans Uses sensors to monitor roast Key Differences Air is not used to spin the beans Control signals downloaded for different geographical areas Only effective in China CN A: ROASTING SYSTEM
Filing Date: & Similarities Uses hot air to roast the beans Air is used to cool the beans Electric motor and heating element Key Differences High speed air only moves beans once “sufficiently roasted” Transparent top only means of monitoring the beans No automation Relies on conduction heating WO A1 & US B1: COFFEE ROASTER METHOD AND CONTROL
Filing Date: Similarities Heats and circulates outside air to roast beans Annular roasting receptacle Key Differences No form of automation Timer-based roast Air is not used to cool the beans Nothing spins the beans US A: COFFEE BEAN ROASTER