Small Purchase Procurement (Comparison Shopping for Grocery and Retail) Prepared By: René Poitra
How Do Centers Stay in Compliance? Required to Conduct Comparison Shopping Required to Keep “Comparison Shopping Form” in FY 2014 Yellow Folder System Only Required to Comparison Shop Once Per Fiscal Year Must be Completed Within First 4 Weeks of Participation of the New Fiscal Year (October)
Who Shops At Grocery Stores/Retail Stores?
Let’s Take a Look at the Comparison Shopping Form
This is How to Complete the Comparison Shopping Form
Food Supply Vendor Procurement Procurement for Food Vendors
What if I Purchase From a Food Supply Vendor? Gordon Food Service US Foods Sysco Browns Superior Wholesale Global Food Service, Inc. (Just to Name a Few)
News Bulletin There are New Instructions for Completing the Food Supply Vendor Procurement
Why is Procurement Different When Using a Food Supply Vendor? Per Regulation 7 CFR Procurement is Required The Main Objective of these Procedures is to Ensure Maximum Open and Free Competition All Purchases Made From Food Supply Vendors must be Procured Must be Completed Within First 4 Weeks of Participation of the New Fiscal Year (October)
The State Agency Will Provide the Tools Instructions and Forms Will Be Provided to Complete the Food Supply Vendor Procurement Information is Located in Your CACFP Training Packet and Handbook
Instructions For Completing the Food Supply Vendor Procurement
Step One Fill out the Food Supply Vendor Contract with the items you wish the vendors to bid on. Make 3 copies. FORM A
Food Supply Vendor Contract (Form A)
Step Two Obtain the names, addresses and addresses of three food supply vendors
Step Three Fill out the prototype Invitation to Bid letter with the necessary information Form B
Invitation to Bid (Form B)
Step Four Mail or the Food Supply Vendor Contract and Invitation to Bid to each of the food supply vendors with a date when bids should be returned. Note: Institutions must ensure that all potential food supply vendors receive the same information.
Food Supply Vendor Contract (Form A) Invitation to Bid (Form B)
Step Five Let’s Take a Look at the Tasks That Need to Completed For Step Five
Step Five When Food Supply Vendor Contracts are Returned, Compile the Bids Complete the Procurement Log (Form C) Document Which Food Supplier was Selected Sign the Food Supply Contract of the Vendor that was Chosen Send the Selected Vendor a Copy of the Signed Contract Note: If the lowest price is not the reason for selecting a prospective bidder, you must document why the alternate food supply vendor was chosen
Procurement Log (Form C)
Step Six Keeping Records
Food Supply Vendor Procurement Keep All Contracts (Form A & B) Procurement Log (Form C) All Correspondence with Food Suppliers Use the CACFP Folder System Must Be Completed Within 4 Weeks of Participation Remember…. Procurement Records Must be Kept for 3 Years Plus the Current Year
In Closing….. * There is Small Purchase Procurement Grocery/Retail *And There is Food Supply Vendor Procurement Sysco, US Foods, etc.
Good Luck The Staff at School & Community Nutrition Wish You Continued Success with Your Program