My Halloween Poetry By: Jenna
Table of Contents 2
In The Dark I’m ready to go in the dark I hear the big dog bark I hear kids screaming I see the full moon gleaming full moon full moon I’m ready to go in the dark I hear the big dog bark There is no more sun I'm ready to have some fun I'm walking in the dark I see the big dog bark I say “trick or treat” They give me something sweet 3
Fright 4
Black Cat 5
Geeky Ghost There once was a ghost that was a geek The ghost heard a big creek He screamed It seemed It was just a little squeak 6
Roast Beef The Ghost The ghost comes to town His favorite show is Charlie brown He goes to trick or treat He has smelly feet The ghosts name is roast He is very boast His middle name is beef He lives under the reef 7
Cat Tail There was a cat With a very long tail His name was bat He has an He likes to dance His friends a goat He visits France And travels by boat 8
Pumpkin Patch Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch With peanuts and potatoes Playing in the pumpkin patch Pickles and pancakes Playing in the pumpkin patch Yummy, yummy pumpkins. 9
Witchy Waitress Witchy waitress, witchy waitress Serves waffles and walnuts Whines like a warthog Looks like a weasel With a warning weep Waddles off with her broom 10
Click the moon to go back 11