On Wednesday, Room 1 went to Mrs Bauerfeind’s house. When we got there we went mammoth tracking.
A while after we had started tracking we found a couple of mammoth footprints. The footprints were HUGE. They were the size of tractor wheels.
When we were a quarter of the way through the tracking, we came across some cattle. We had to sneak past the cattle because otherwise the cattle would get very angry. After we had passed the cattle we came to a steep part of the mammoth track.
When we started walking up the steep part of the mammoth track, I felt so tired that I nearly fell asleep. As soon as we had passed the steep bit Nick found a toy mammoth. Everybody started to rush up the path and go and see the toy. After that we had a photo. Once that happened, we started heading back.
When we got back, we had a drink and some morning tea. We had an apple, carrot, beef jerky and raisins. The morning tea was so delicious. After I had morning tea I went to go and skin and gut a rabbit.
When we got there, Reiner was waiting for us because he was going to demonstrate how to skin and gut a rabbit. While Reiner was demonstrating, I felt very ill just looking at him skinning and gutting the rabbit. After he had finished, it was our turn to try doing it.
Mrs Bauerfeind split us into two groups and we chose a rabbit to share. Once we had chosen the rabbit we started skinning it. It was terrifying.
When we had finished skinning the rabbit, we had to gut it. When we had pulled out the liver and the heart, we started pulling out the intestines.
When we had finished with the rabbit, we went to look for some firewood. After that we started to light the fire. Smoke started gushing out. It was terrifying because it made my eyes very, very sore. Then I covered my eyes. They felt much better. After that I was given some chicken to roast. It was so, so,so delicious. After that Olivia gave me a strawberry to roast. I sort of burnt it but it was still very nice.
After we had done that it was lunchtime. For lunch I had lots of walnuts, a banana, some peanuts and some raisins. I loved it, but I felt a bit full after.
After lunch I did some weaving. When we got to the weaving place, Mrs B did an example. She did it very well. When she had finished demonstrating, it was our turn. First I got some flax and then I started weaving. It was so much fun. After I had finished, I went to watch the spear throwing group. They did well.
When we had finished watching them, it was time to go home so we went and got our bags and then we got into our car. I went in Sandi’s car with Cate and Liv Z.