Meeting Structure Welcome HARMONI Procedures INDOT Presentation SKA Review Exhibits & Comment YOU Close Hearing9 PM Welcome HARMONI Procedures INDOT Presentation SKA Review Exhibits & Comment YOU Close Hearing9 PM H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE
Where is Midtown? HARMONI Supported Initiatives Who is HARMONI? H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE
Founded in 2007 Became a nonprofit 501c3 organization in April 2008 Harmoni’s Mission: Enhance Midtown’s sense of place and district identification to keep it beautiful, walkable, bikeable, and sustainable. Promote local businesses, cultural institutions, and tourist destinations. Attract community and business development, including comprehensive infrastructure improvements and transit options. Serve as a catalyst for sound practices in business enhancement and residential renovation. Make Midtown prosper and inspire surrounding areas to develop in an equally positive way. HARMONI HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE
Midtown The Midtown District is: a destination the geographic area between the White River, Fall Creek/Michigan Road, and the Monon Trail a valuable economic and cultural asset to the City of Indianapolis home for approximately 40,000 residents and home to many of the City’s most venerable institutions of culture and learning IMAIMA M I D T O W N Alice Carter Place 38 th Street StateFairgroundsStateFairgrounds North Meridian Street Broad Ripple Village Broad
Midtown vision The Midtown District Vision is: that with community support AND strategic public policy and private sector investment, Midtown will exceed its original condition and be restored to an exceptional place to live –Rejuvenate the neighborhoods –Revive all business areas and nodes Until the entire Midtown area is thriving and sustainable.IMAIMA M I D T O W N Alice Carter Place 38 th Street StateFairgroundsStateFairgrounds North Meridian Street Broad Ripple Village Broad
HARMONI Supported Initiatives ENVISION Broad Ripple Sessions –Improvements on Broad Ripple Avenue ENVISION Maple Road/38 th Street Sessions ENVISION College Avenue Sessions Midtown Masterplan Midtown LOVES LOCAL campaign Midtown Holiday Home Tour (Nov , 2010) Safe Routes To Schools –St. Thomas Aquinas –Center for Inquiry/Immaculate Heart of Mary School Westfield//Meridian Improvement Plan (formerly called Phase 1) recently received a Transportation Enhancement Grant Alice Carter Place park at Westfield and Meridian Streets
Alice Carter Place Park Donor Opportunities Support the Park Buy a Brick Paver or Park Bench –4” x 8” brick$150 each –8” x 8” brick$350 each –Park Bench$2,000 each Donate your time, energy or funds See us at the HARMONI table or go to:
HARMONI thanks... City of Indianapolis Indianapolis MPO Indianapolis DPW Indy Parks and Recreation Central Indiana Community Foundation and all the individuals in our community that have given of their time and financial resources H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE
Public Hearing August 3, 2010 H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE
Public Hearing Rickie Clark INDOT Public Hearings Manager (317)
Introductions Design Lead Storrow Kinsella Associates Inc (317) Meg Storrow, Principal Michael Koslow, Project Manager Other Design Team Members Crossroad Engineers – Surveying/Engineering Weintraut Associates – Historic Resources HNTB Corporation – Traffic Engineering
How the Presentation is Organized 1.Project Descriptions 2.Purpose of the project 3.Proposed Improvements 4.Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts 5.Right-of-Way 6.Funding/Schedule 7.Procedure for Receiving Comments on the Project 8.Opportunity to View Exhibits
Purpose of the Project Pedestrian Connectivity and Safety Traffic Calming, while maintaining traffic flow Neighborhood District Identity
Purpose of the Project Pedestrian Connectivity and Safety Connect the neighborhood to the Canal Towpath and Greenway System Connect the neighborhood to local business nodes Provide connectivity within the neighborhood Maintain and enhance pedestrian safety
Purpose of the Project Traffic Calming Slow down traffic while maintaining traffic flow Sustain neighborhood character and value Improve pedestrian safety and walkability
Purpose of the Project Neighborhood District Identity Appropriate street furnishings (light poles, sign posts, bike racks, etc.) Compatible materials (brick paving, concrete sidewalks, concrete scoring patterns) Landscaping (lush with seasonal interest, mitigate microclimate impacts)
Project Descriptions Vision Plan extents covered by an environmental study shows full range of material choices and design recommendations not all of the Vision Plan is funded Funded Projects Transportation Enhancement Project a $500,000 grant: 80% is federal dollars / 20% match by HARMONI ($100,000) focused on improving pedestrian connectivity at Meridian/Westfield 56 th Street Sidewalks from Illinois Street to Washington Boulevard funded by the City Alice Carter Place challenge grant of $50,000 received from CICF HARMONI needs to raise an additional $50,000
Traffic Calming Study Goals Continuous flow for most vehicles on green cycle at a reasonable speed Gaps between platoons of vehicles to allow cross traffic at unprotected intersections and driveways Maintain traffic volume Maintain and enhance pedestrian safety
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, 2008 Street – 54th Street 338 th 6 feet wide 35 mph speed limit 54 th Street – Westfield Boulevard 50 feet wide 40 mph speed limit Westfield Boulevard – Kessler Boulevard 60 feet wide 40 mph speed limit Traffic Volume = 25,000 – 30,000 vehicles/day Existing Conditions
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, 2008 Intersection Total Accidents Injury Accidents Highest Annual (yr) 54th Street*28913 ('05) 46th Street25711 ('04) 52nd Street18210 ('04) 56th Street1115 ('04) Westfield Blvd.814 ('05) *54th Street accident types: Failure to yield71% Following too closely17% Unsafe speed4% Improper lane usage4% Other4% 39 th Street – Westfield Boulevard, Meridian Street Crash Data
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, th Street Crossing Consider Flasher Consider Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Sidewalks (54 th Street – Westfield Boulevard) Provide 6-foot sidewalk (west side) Widen existing sidewalk (east side) Separate sidewalk from curb (both sides) Sidewalks (Crossing Streets) Provide 6-foot sidewalks where feasible Give priority to 56 th Street (safe routes to school) Pedestrian Recommendations
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, 2008 Retime signal system for 35 mph throughout – traffic will flow better, maintains volume Install traffic signal at Meridian & 54 th Analysis supported traffic signal at Meridian & 43 rd DPW agreed to 4-way STOP at 56 th & Central Install sidewalks on Meridian north of 54 th Install sidewalks on cross streets (especially 56 th ) Install motorist information speed signs Traffic Engineering Analysis Concluded
The Vision Plan extents are: Westfield Blvd 54 th Street 57th Street 56 th Street Meridian Street Alice Carter Place Illinois StreetPennsylvania St W. 57th Street Laverock 58th Street 55 th Street 58th Street Vision Plan Project Meridian Street from 54th to 57th, Westfield Boulevard from Illinois to Pennsylvania Street, and Illinois Street from Westfield to Laverock Road 56 th Street from Illinois to Washington Blvd Stop sign improvements at Central/56 th Street New traffic signals on Meridian at 54 th and 43 rd Streets. Washington Blvd 54 th Street E. 57th Street
Move sidewalks away from the curb and fill the gaps for sidewalk continuity Vision Plan Proposed Improvements Meridian Street (both sides) from 54 th to Westfield Westfield Boulevard from Illinois Street to Pennsylvania Street 56 th Street (southside) from Illinois Street to Washington Boulevard Illinois Street from Westfield Boulevard to Northview Drive New or Infill Sidewalks with Tree Lawn
Vision Plan Proposed Improvement Raised Landscape Median along Alice Carter Place Frontage shortens pedestrian crossings, and provides pedestrian refuge slows traffic contributes to neighborhood district identity
Alice Carter Place Canal Towpath Meridian Street Vision Plan Proposed Improvements Raised Landscape Median along Alice Carter Place Frontage and Gateway Point Sculpture Plaza Westfield Boulevard
Vision Plan Proposed Improvements Meridian Street & Westfield Blvd. Intersection Improvements safe pedestrian crossings protected pedestrian turn lane restrictions crosswalk at bridge
Vision Plan Proposed Improvements Pedestrian Crossing of Meridian Street from E. 57 th Street to Alice Carter Place Park
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, 2008 Special Pavement for the Meridian Street center lane from 54 th to Kessler; remains a turn lane Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
Meridian Street Bridge Improvements Raised median with landscape planters at ends Pedestrian / bicycle refuges at ends and center of Canal Towpath Trail crosswalk Wayfinding signage and decorative lighting as gateway identity elements Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
Meridian Street Bridge Improvement Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
Pedestrian signals and crosswalks at all signalized intersections Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
Improved Pedestrian Protection Rectangular rapid flashing beacon at Meridian and 57 th Street Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
Yield to Pedestrian in Crosswalk Signage Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
Speed limit signs with radar speed indicator show speed plus message “signals timed at 35 mph” Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, 2008 Proposed traffic signal at 54 th and Meridian with a restricted left turn lane during rush hour. Pending DPW traffic review. Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, 2008 Pedestrian Safety Four-way stop at Central and 56 th Street in conjunction with improved sidewalks Vision Plan Proposed Improvements
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, 2008 Transportation Enhancement Project – utilizes federal funds Construction to begin in 2011 Pedestrian Connectivity at the Intersection Traffic Calming Neighborhood Identity Does not include brick paving in the turn lane or other vision plan materials and finishes due to funding constraints
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE – NOVEMBER 21, th Street Sidewalks – city funded project Construction to begin in 2011 Sidewalks on south side of 56 th St. from Illinois St. to Washington Blvd. Uses the parking lane on the south side, no impact to existing properties
Alice Carter Place Proposed Improvements (donor opportunities available) Westfield Boulevard Meridian Street Meandering Pathways and Main Path provide connectivity to sidewalk system Gateway Point Sculpture Plaza Connection to Canal Towpath and Overlook Positions the park for future enhancements Alice Carter Place
1.State Historic Preservation Office determined a “No Adverse Effect” finding. 2.The draft environmental document will be available August 4 on the website. 3.A hardcopy of the environmental document is also available at Public Hearing Station 5. 4.The final Environmental Document will be available at Environmental Documentation
Schedule/Funding Federal Aid Projects Phase 1 / Transportation Enhancement 2011$500,000 Future Phases (as funding becomes available) TBD Locally Funded Projects 56 th Street Sidewalks 2011$293,000 Alice Carter Place Phase $100,000 Future Park Development (as funding becomes available)
1.Visit Station 3 to give written comments. You may also take a comment form to fill out and mail in. Comments will be received until August 17. or you may 2.Visit Station 4 to record a verbal comment into a recorder. or you may 3. the Design Team with a comment at or you may Speak informally with Design Team members at Stations 6, 7, and 8. These conversations will not be part of the public record. however. Procedure for providing comments
Opportunity to Comment and View Exhibits We will now accept public comments. If you signed up to comment, please come forward to the microphone.
H A R M O N I HISTORIC MIDTOWN INITIATIVE Thank you for participating in this exciting project!