Planning Commission Public Hearing October 15, 2009
Rezone acres from PD-IP (1972 ZO) to PD-MUB (Revised 1993 ZO) 14 modifications
Kincora - Vicinity N
Residential 1,400 multifamily units Gloucester Pkwy Pacific Blvd Rt 28 Retail 953,825 sf Office 2.7 million sf Hotel(s) rooms Performing arts center N Minor league baseball stadium
Gloucester Pkwy Pacific Blvd Rt 28 5 acres fire & rescue station 160-acre dedication for passive park Heron rookery preservation N
Compact Pedestrian oriented Mix of interconnected uses Kincora - Zoning Issue PD-MUB Intent Southern portion disconnected from northern portion N
Keynote Employment (100% Class A office) Route 28 Tax District Kincora - Policy Issues 1,400 multi-family residential units Residential uses not planned for area Land Use Residential N
Amount RGP: 10% of gross land area CRP: 5% gross floor area of non- residential uses Scale 198,825 sf free- standing retail, ,000 Kincora - Policy Issues 575,000 hotel(s) 398,825 non-hotel 973,825 total sf Land Use Retail N
RGP Keynote Employment Policy: Phasing so office is predominant in each phase Zoning Ordinance PD-MUB: Minimum 40% employment uses at each phase Kincora Policy & Zoning Issue Land Use Office/Employment 2.7 million sf Office not predominant in each phase Minimum use % not met in Phases 1 & 2
71,520 daily trips Pacific Blvd from southern property to Russell Branch Pkwy (501 hotel rooms/1,069 residential units) Gloucester Pkwy from Loudoun County Pkwy to Rt. 28 (2.4 million sf non- residential uses) Kincora Issues Transportation (1) Timing of Improvements
Existing failing intersections: Route 7 Loudoun County Pkwy (Rt 607) Waxpool Road (Rt 625) Application does not resolve off-site traffic impacts Kincora Issues Transportation (2) Off-site Improvements
Demolition or relocation of Broad Run Toll House County Historic Site District (1972) Virginia Landmarks Register National Register of Historic Places (1970) VDOT alternative alignments Kincora Issues Transportation (3) Pacific Blvd. Alignment 1950
Mitigation of Capital Facilities Impacts Anticipated contribution: $33,261,200 Schools: generate 364 students/elementary over capacity & high school currently using trailers Mitigation of Environmental Impacts Site Layout and Design Issues Other issues, clarification and revisions. Kincora Village Center Unresolved Issues
Additional Information from Staff: Community Development Authority Overview Alternative alignments for Pacific Blvd. Mixed use projects established & approved in County Integration of this project & approved Kincora SPEX Water, wastewater & electrical capacity in area Level of Service for schools, parks & libraries in area Commercial tax revenue potential v. Rt. 28 Tax District buy-out for proposed residential Kincora Village Center Planning Commission Briefing
Comments/Questions for Applicant: What happens to stadium if ZMAP is not approved? Relationship between Broad Run Toll House & Kincora Why no market study? Tree harvesting in Tree Conservation Area/floodplain? Why not PD-OP on southern portion? Sheriff’s substation/security needs Kincora Village Center Planning Commission Briefing
Staff cannot support: Fundamental land use issues Key unresolved issues (transportation, capital facilities & environmental) Additional information/clarification/revisions Should the Planning Commission recommend further review: Work session(s) after County referral agencies complete review of revised application received 10/8/09 Kincora Village Center Staff Recommendation
UseSquare Feet Office2,722,200 Retail398,825 Hotel575,000/720 rooms Civic277,000 MF Residential1,544,000 TOTAL5,517,025