Osgood Neighborhood Meeting July 21, :00 PM 9-Iron Osgood Clubhouse
Osgood HOA Discussion Welcome/Introduction Purpose of Meeting Review of Osgood Development Review of Osgood 1 st Addition Covenants Common Elements/Maintenance Transfer of Control of Covenants Creation of HOA/Bylaws Estimated Costs/Dues Q & A
Osgood Development
Proposed Area of Osgood HOA
Covenants Legal Document established by Developer Recorded with Cass County Recorder on May 14, 2003 Document # Purpose To establish higher development standards than that of the city of Fargo To address maintenance of amenities (clock towers, perimeter fence, open space)
Covenants Established Certain Development Standards Minimum sq ft of homes Architectural control (developer must approve all plans) Fences, sheds, drainage, mail-boxes, pets, signs, parking/storage, etc. Grant the Developer the Right to Assess Maintenance Fees Clock Towers Perimeter Fence Open Space (mowing) Mail-boxes Grant the Developer the right to enforce covenants
Common Elements – Clock Towers 66 th Ave S
Common Elements – Clock Towers Osgood Parkway/63 rd St
Common Elements – Clock Towers Osgood Parkway/58 th St
Common Elements – Clock Towers 44 th Ave S
Comment Elements –Perimeter Fence
Common Elements – Blvd Mowing
Transfer Control of Covenants Developer willing to transfer control of all aspects of covenants except architectural control of un-build lots Home owners would than be responsible for the enforcement of the covenants and maintenance of the amenities
HOA/Bylaws If homeowners are willing to accept the transfer of control of the covenants: Homeowners will need to establish a Home Owners Association (HOA) Need to establish bylaws that provide the rules and procedures that the HOA must follow Developer has prepared legal bylaw document
Next Steps Assuming homeowner are willing to accept transfer of covenants Schedule 1 st official meeting of HOA Nominate and elect officers Establish/collect dues Form committees (as may be needed) Consider upgrade/additions to existing amenities Flower beds/landscaping around clock towers Establishment of a small neighborhood park