Douglas R. Failing, P.E. Executive Director, Highway Program LA Metro’s Highway Program LA Metro’s Highway Program May 10, 2013 Construction Management Association of America (CMAA)
Highway Projects 2
3 Possible problem Major issue On target State Route 710 North Construction Complete Current 2029 Current 2029 Forecast 2029 Forecast 2029 SCHEDULE Alternatives Analysis Fall 2012 Draft EIR/EIS Spring 2014 Public Hearing Spring 2014 Final EIR/EIS Summer 2015 Record of Decision Summer 2015 Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $780 Current $780 Forecast $2.6 – 5.4B* Forecast $2.6 – 5.4B* BUDGET Secured Funds: Measure R - $780M Unsecured Funds: $1.82B – $4.62B *Potential P3 Opportunity * Denotes a range of cost for several higher cost alternatives
Alternatives Analysis – completed in Dec study/ 710study/ Alternatives: –No Build –Transportation System Management/Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM) –Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) –Light Rail Transit (LRT) –Freeway Tunnel 4 State Route 710 North
State Route 710 North Build Alternatives BRT LRT Freeway Tunnel* 5
6 Possible problem Major issue On target Cost Interstate 710 South EIR/EIS* Construction Complete Current 2028 Current 2028 Forecast 2028 Forecast 2028 SCHEDULE Draft REIR/REIS Public Hearing Final REIR/REIS Record of Decision Multiple Early Action Study Projects with various schedules Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $395 Current $395 Forecast $6.75B Forecast $6.75B BUDGET Secured Funds: Measure R - $395M Unsecured Funds: $6.36B – TBD *Potential P3 Opportunity Begin Construction *Some of these funds will be utilized for I-710 Early Action Projects
7 Possible problem Major issue On target I-710 Early Action Projects Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $26.8 Current $26.8 Forecast $26.8 Forecast $26.8 BUDGET SCHEDULE various (see below) Completed 0 $ 000N/A Ongoing 1 $10, Future 4 $16, TOTAL* 5 $26, #APPR. PROJECTS BUDGET (000’S) COMPLETION *Multiple projects to be programmed with various schedules through 2030
8 Possible problem Major issue On target Cost High Desert Corridor (Environmental) Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $65 Current $65 Forecast $65 Forecast $65 BUDGET Funds include: STIP (GF), Measure R, Measure I, and federal earmarks Scope includes Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA/ED) only Environmental Document Complete Current 2014 Current 2014 Forecast 2014 Forecast 2014 SCHEDULE Draft ED Circulation Public Hearing Final ED Record of Decision
9 Possible problem Major issueOn target Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $700 Current $700 Forecast $700 Forecast $700 BUDGET Funds include: Measure R, Prop C 25%, Toll Revenues and SHOPP PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION: I-5 North Capacity Enhancements (Phase 2A: Truck Lane + HOV from SR-14 to Parker Rd.) I-5 Pavement Rehabilitation SR-71 Expressway Gap Closure (from I-10 to Mission Blvd.) SR-71 Expressway Gap Closure (from Mission Blvd. to Rio Rancho Rd.) Soundwall Package 10: I-210 Pasadena and Arcadia Soundwall Package 11: I-405 & SR 170 in Los Angeles Construction Complete Current 2030 Current 2030 Forecast 2019 Forecast 2019 SCHEDULE RFQ RFP Financial Close Construction Complete / / / / Accelerated Regional Transportation Improvements (ARTI) Project
10 Possible problem Major issue On target Construction Complete Current 2026 Current 2026 Forecast 2026 Forecast 2026 SCHEDULE Multiple projects to be programmed with various schedules through 2030 Feasibility Study 2012 Project Study Report 2013 Preliminary Engineering Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $590M* Current $590M* Forecast $590M* Forecast $590M* BUDGET Secured Funds: Measure R - $590M Unsecured Funds: TBD *Denotes current secure funding and not expected to cover Feasibility Study improvement needs. Project costs to be determined post Feasibility Study I-605 Corridor “Hot Spot” Interchanges
11 Possible problem Major issue On target Completed 1$ 575N/A Ongoing 7$ 15, Future32$ 40, TOTAL40$57, Measure R provides $170.0 Million over 30 years of which $57 Million has been programmed in the Subregion for FYs Ongoing is defined as projects with executed Funding Agreements. Future is defined as projects with future phases of existing Projects or first years funding of a Project is beyond FY Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $32.4 Current $32.4 Forecast $170 Forecast $170 BUDGET SCHEDULE various (see below) #APPROVED PROJECTS BUDGET (000’S) COMPLETION Arroyo Verdugo COG Measure R Operational Improvements Program
12 Possible problem Major issue On target Completed 0$ 0N/A Ongoing 9$ 25, Future 7$ 66, TOTAL 16$91, Measure R provides $175.0 M over 30 years, $93.8 Million has been programmed for the Subregion by the Metro Board for FY’s Ongoing is defined as projects with executed Funding Agreements. Future is defined as projects with future phases of existing Projects or first years funding of a Project is beyond FY Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $91.8 Current $91.8 Forecast $175 Forecast $175 BUDGET SCHEDULE various (see below) COMPLETION BUDGET (000’S) #APPROVED PROJECTS Las Virgenes/Malibu COG Measure R Operational Improvements Program
13 Possible problem Major issue On target COG Admin/Development N/A$ 6, Contingency/Reserves N/A$ 25, Completed 3$ 2, Ongoing 18$ 63, Future 36$ 94, TOTAL 57$192, Measure R provides $906.0 Million over 30 years of which $192.1 Million has been programmed in the Subregion for FYs Ongoing is defined as projects with executed Funding Agreements. Future is defined as projects with future phases of existing Projects or first years funding of a Project is beyond FY Total Cost ($ mil.) Current $176.5 Current $176.5 Forecast $906 Forecast $906 BUDGET SCHEDULE various (see below) #APPROVED PROJECTS BUDGET (000’S) COMPLETION South Bay (I-405, I-110, I-105 and SR-91) Ramp and Interchange Operational Improvements Program
Upcoming Procurements A&E Professional Services, Motorist Services & P3 Services 14 (Highway Program Look Ahead Reports)
Highway Projects in Construction 15 (Highway Program Look Ahead Reports)
Questions? Douglas R. Failing, P.E. Executive Director – Highway Program Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority – Metro 16