Kick Off Meeting City of Pensacola April 18, 2011
Study Purpose Determine the best solution for replacement of the existing bridges and secure FHWA approval of the location and concept design Basis for performing the replacement bridge study Lack of modern safety provisions No facilities for bikes and pedestrians Does not meet current navigation requirements Deteriorating conditions indicate that bridges are structurally obsolete Determine the requirements to meet increasing traffic demands
Project Development & Environment Study Planning Preliminary Design Final Design Right-of-Way/ Acquisition Construction Candidate Projects Based on Preliminary Analysis and determination of need Prioritize Projects Funding Options/Availability Reviewed/Programming Develop Preliminary Alternatives Assessment of Potential Environmental & Community Impacts Substantial Public Involvement Initiatives Preferred Alternative(s) advance to Preliminary Engineering Develop up to 30% Design Plans Additional Public Outreach Agency Coordination Proceed through Design, 60, 90 % plans Permitting Process Final Cost Estimates Proceed with acquisition of necessary property
Project Development & Environment Study Evaluate Current Conditions – Data Collection Environmental, Social, Engineering Forecast Future Needs – Traffic Evaluate Alternative Corridors & Select One Develop Alternatives Within Selected Corridor Perform Assessments of Potential Environmental & Community Impacts Select an Alternative to advance into Preliminary Engineering
One – On – One Meetings Website Newsletters Community Stakeholders Neighborhood Associations Informal Public Meetings Special Interest Groups Project Advisory Group (PAG) Local, State & Federal Officials Local Government Throughout the study conduct a comprehensive and continuous Public Involvement Program
Contact US!! J. Brandon Bruner, PE Project Development Engineer FDOT, District Highway 90 Chipley, FL Dan Kristoff, PE Project Manager RS&H Deerwood Park Blvd South Jacksonville, FL Phone: Nick Arnio, PE, PTOE Deputy Project Manager RS&H 1701 Hermitage Blvd., Suite 101 Tallahassee, FL Phone:
Kick Off Meeting City of Pensacola April 18, 2011