Salisbury, North Carolina Wayfinding Signage System
Overview Signage system designed to improve navigation Increase awareness of key locations, sites and attractions Create a greater sense of place Provide a consistent and uniform system of signs. Improve visitor and citizen experiences
Overview 3 Phase System Phase 1: Innes from I-85 to Statesville Blvd and Downtown Phase 2 :Jake Alexander from I-85 to Statesville Blvd and Statesville Blvd to Innes Phase 3:Julian Road from Jake Alexander to Old Concord and Old Concord from Julian Road to Arlington and Innes Funded through the Salisbury-Rowan County CVB Capital funds set aside annually to cover ongoing maintenance System designed by a Buzz Bizzell, a wayfinding signage consultant in North Carolina, reviewed by City Staff and CVB staff
Request to Council Adopt the wayfinding system for the City of Salisbury as submitted City of Salisbury to officially submit the system to NCDOT for consideration to approve the system Authorize City staff to oversee and manage the installation process for the signage system and work in partnership with the CVB